
Gonna say Brutal Legend, but I got a lot of catching up to do as far as game buying so prob won't get around to playing it til 2010

No Highlander theme? Semi-fail.

I'm waiting to see if it can be hacked to play emulators. Sorry, I know it's legally dubious, but I got my priorities...

Wasn't this coming to XBLA?

@The-Real-Napsta: I think so too, no matter how many people buy the damn thing. And it's their fault!

@Cloudleet: I actually want snarling black-and-white ones

@Ueziel: Now that I have roommates with a Wii, I'm gonna play all 3, trilogy style. That is, after I'm done getting 100% in Shadow complex...

I am looking forward to playing Prime 1 again with the ability to turn around faster than a snail. Never even played 2 because of that.

I feel sick :(

Yeah, every street fighter game has to have at least have 3 versions of itself.

A lot of people would say that Mega Man was abused and gratuitously sequelized. Me, I'm just hungry for more Mega Man.

@shufflemoomin: In my case, I share a monitor with my 360 and pc. The router is in another room next to an SDTV.

Oh, it'll be sold seperately. On Ebay. Where 120gb hard drives are already around $60. Which is still too much, but better.

Better have most of the Syd Barrett songs or I don't care.

Why WOULDN'T they market those?!?

Just share a wi-fi connection with computer via ethernet, or hook the 360 directly into a router. Geez!

@Lezard: It's used on ebay for around $15. And it's a 3-year old game. This Wii price cut essentially is $15 off the hardware if you take into account the depreciation of the pack-in game. And I'd bet my shirt that Nintendo shaved $15 off its Wii manufacturing costs long ago. I'm unimpressed.

I don't want Wii sports. Make it cheaper.

Golden Sun 3?