“... I can always wear dressy cargo pants...”
“... I can always wear dressy cargo pants...”
Huh, is that how every cars and coffee mustang video starts?
I think the testing was inconclusive. Perhaps the ANCAP, and all other crash test associations for that matter, should gather up every Corolla and crash them into each other to be totally sure that the new cars are safer. The world may end up with no more boring-ass Corollas, but that’s a risk we should be willing to…
The most scientific one would probably be the Nissan Tsuru vs. Nissan Versa crash. They were both brand new cars with one being based off of a 1990 design.
Get that crap out of here.
Also, it’s not just articulation; solid axles also make it easier to lift a vehicle, and they’re more robust than IFS setups. Not to mention, if you want even more strength, swapping an axle out is bone-simple.
That’s your problem, you had too many kids. Give one to a neighbor or something and you’ll be all set.
I won a Porsche Boxster S on eBay for an unbelievably low price. The only catch was that I was in Charleston, SC and it was in BFE Wisconsin. So I did the only logical thing. I flew from warm Charleston, to Wisconsin in January. The seller picked me up from the airport, and as we went through the snow to his car,…
Southern California checking in here. The young enthusiast scene is alive and well. Check out these pics from the Japanese cruise in at the Peterson museum held in conjunction with SuperStreet. Not only was the entire 600 car parking structure taken over, but cars were parking on the shut down streets around it.
Didn’t Bebe Highway just break off into the sea?
I dont know, but last summer I was heading up I17 out of Phoenix to go camping. Was stuck behind a F350 Super Duty with 3 flags in the bed. Wanna take a guess what flags? Merican flag, rebel flag, and a gadsden flag (Trump stickers all over the gate to go along with). That thing was pushing out more black smoke than…
The best “he got his” story on this subject I’ve heard reportedly happened in my state a few years ago when some dickbag rolled coal leaving a stoplight. The older gentleman in the convertible who got blasted in the face with sooty diesel exhaust took down the truck’s plate number and called the state police. Turns…
Alternative headline:
“According to Terrance, though, the problem wasn’t just addiction. He also blames aspects of car culture. He says that there’s a wink-wink-nudge-nudge aspect to it, where men don’t disclose everything—like costs—to their families.”
That was the “fuck this guy right in his embezzling arrogant ass” moment of the article, until then, I almost had a little sympathy.......
I think it’s less common to find a true car enthusiast vs someone who is into a particular company, make, model, engine, style of racing or drivetrain layout these days.
Not that one should ever make psychological diagnoses via an article but the article similarly tries to draw conclusions...
your girlfriend didn’t write this. My wife did.
I firmly believe that when it comes to in-car controls, if a blind person couldn’t operate it, it doesn’t belong. The driver’s eyes belong on the road, and should be effectively blind to everything that doesn’t pertain to driving. That’s the beauty of knob-based HVAC controls: you can easily operate them by feel.