Chan - Mid-engine with cabin fever

You are the kool aid enthusiast here.

I assure you if US legislators conspiredwith foreign governments to overthrow the US government in any of it’s territories they would be removed from office too. Tere is no real good analogy to be found with any of the foreign governments involved here because they were all colonizers not colonized. But seriously that

It’s not ‘protest’ - it’s idiocy that puts other people at risk under the guise of self-righteousness and ego - and powered by significant unearned wealth.

From the article:

Sounds like a bunch of trust fund babies dinking around in expensive cars their parents bought for them and pretending to be counter culture. Their lifestyle isn’t high stakes at all, because if any of them actually got caught by police you can guarantee they’ll immediately get bailed out by mom and dad.

I personally find it hilarious that, on any given day, I can be sneered “for destroying the planet” (an actual note on my Tundra in my previous neighborhood), followed almost immediately by “your EV is stupid and you’re a hippie” when I run errands in the eGolf.

... yo.

great reference, especially when I could be looking at that photo on my phone or on my 80" TV. 

Kanye couldn’t vote for President until he found one worth voting for!

A lot of people are saying that it's a beautiful immunity, the likes of which has never been seen before.  No one's ever done immunity like that before.  It would've taken Biden years to get that immunity. 

Is that a revolver being used by the Hong Kong Police?

I was in no way saying the protests are a bad thing. Hopefully this will spur some change in China/HK. Personally I feel violence is very very rarely justified. I haven’t been following the situation enough to know exactly how long and what non-violent steps have been taken.

I’m not going to say that this is ok in any way, but if your going to say that the police rushed the crowd you should probably mention that in the second angle its obvious pretty obvious the protesters were kicking the shit out of another police officer and they were running over to assist. 

The situation is complicated

Hong Kongers were not “living free” under British colonial rule. They didn’t have the right to elect their own leaders, and it was only the last Governor General who introduced democratic reforms (a few years before the British were set to leave).

Ok, I’m going to get negative stars for this. Also China totally is the bad guy with this situation. But this isn’t a protest, it’s a full on riot. The protesters have protective gear, weapons, molotov cocktails (in second video). The protestor here was swinging a metal weapon at the police guy before the officer ever

Important caveat to what I’m about to say: I fully support the protesters, and I think that the Chinese government should fully adhere to the one nation two systems model that they agreed to as a condition of regaining control of HK. I don’t think that Hong Kong is actually capable of winning if this continues to

You did not at all mention that police office getting beaten on the ground. The police charged to save him as he was being attacked by a crowd that surrounded him. And it wasn’t a brush. A brush is when you slowly caress someone. It was a violent swing.

I’m not defending this shitty Gov’t or these shitty cops but....

Hitting someone pointing a gun at you with a pipe is not the path to a long life.

Unfortunately the information presented is “blurry”. Both sides can claim to be in the right and both sides will see what they want to see. Thus only making the situation moving forward worse.