The Law of Conservation of Grammar. R’s can neither be created nor destroyed, only moved.
The Law of Conservation of Grammar. R’s can neither be created nor destroyed, only moved.
Flounder = Floundah
You’re not turned on when a guy leans in, slowly, and in a deep sexy voice says....
“WE’RE SEEING SOME SHIT WE AIN’T NEVER SEEN BEFORE, BRO!” was what killed me. I’m back in New England after 7 years away, and this is the kind of quality content I’ve been missing in my years absent.
Hey Sunfish! Say hi to ya motha for me!
Holy fucking shit, Jay. This thing is uglier than Billy fucking Bucknah trying to field a ground ball.
Oh, that sounds wicked good, bro.
Jay! We gotta go to Sully’s, bro. I need a dahk and stormy to settle my nerves. Plus, the Pats game is on. Go Pats.
At some point, we are going to have to discuss her fashion choices.
“The Real ID Act defines “real IDs” as those that are obtained only with proof of U.S. citizenship.”
In Keynesean economics, the state responds to a depressed economy by borrowing a bunch of money and buying a bunch of stuff. Since spending in one sector (such as building roads) tends to increase economic activity in other sectors (because now the workers can afford to eat and buy trousers and whatnot), this gets the…
I am too hung over to remember what “austerity” means. Fuck. I’m just glad this isn’t a story about the emmys.
Bloody Effing Hell, Texas. Stop making Florida look less appalling!
More Confidence
I like how the husband has zero qualms broadcasting worldwide over the intrawebs the fact that he can’t get one seven year old boy to the first day of school without vaginal assistance. Sounds about right.
SO THIS. For every unaware woman who blithely declares “I’m not a feminist,” the response should be “Why the everloving fuck aren’t you?”
In all fairness to Dr. Carson...a weak mumbling answer that failed to make a good point could be a description every time he speaks.
Shit, I’d pay cash money to watch him try though.
Finally, someone is thinking of the children.