All the dumb misogynistic comments here are also missing the fact that USA hockey spends more money and time on 10-year-old boys than these women. And I’m pretty sure those kids are not bringing in ANY money to compensate for it.
All the dumb misogynistic comments here are also missing the fact that USA hockey spends more money and time on 10-year-old boys than these women. And I’m pretty sure those kids are not bringing in ANY money to compensate for it.
yes yes yes this
Baby gender reveal parties are total trash
I would hope that if she were trans and your students were misgendering her, that you would correct them. Same thing for cis people. Correctly gendering someone is an act of respect, it does not reinforce a gender binary.
Can’t stop the feeling - the feeling being an overwhelming desire to witness a piano fall on his stupid face.
Y’all, we finally found the focus group they used for both Toddlers in Tiaras and Teen Mom
She says she talks about transgender rights yet the first thing in the video is kind of a transphobic joke that I don’t even get. “The best way to age as a woman is to have been born a man.” Does that imply trans women age well? The shit that we as trans people have to put up with is so much that you would hope…
As soon as I read the term “slippery slope” in a supposed political hot take, I hope the dumbdumb writer knows that in the pre-internet days I would have crumpled up the piece of garbage 19 times and Michael-Jordaned it right in the trash can where it belongs.
Anyone else SO over these types alllways using gays as a “hey look I’m so cool and open minded I totally don’t think gay people are going to burn in the deepest pits of hell fire”? ughhhhhhh
Does that imply that the Kardashians, in contrast, actually are relatable? That’s a terrifying thought...
So tired of seemingly “progressive” outlets using this kind of BS language - it’s not the “bathroom of his choice”, it’s the bathroom where everyone else who is the gender he is goes to. It’s the right bathroom for his gender, period. Stop already ughhhhh
Yeah, as long as you still behave like white people we’ll like you, right?
It still really annoys me that men get to be called the best athlete while women are best female athletes. To me, Serena is the best tennis player ever, period.
Also, can we please have a president already that doesn’t give a flying fridge about golf?
Could reporters please stop using the words “biological sex” or “biological gender”. This is transphobic language that is used in the bill and it’s oppressive. There is no such thing as biological sex. The law, if implemented, would have gone by the sex marker on your birth certificate, end of story. Your biological…
How dumb are the US Soccer media people to say that they are disappointed when women ask to be treated equally?? Just don’t respond to media requests until you know what action you’ll take.
thank you, didn’t know that and not familiar with her story. i refuse to watch the movie as her role is played by a cis man.
are you trying to make a joke? this technology could actually be used for trans women which is amazing and beautiful.
One of the main reasons we have the catch rule is so that more players don’t get injured.. do you realize how hard linebackers will come at a receiver if they know that anything they do will result in a fumble?? I’m sorry but what you’re suggesting would result in so many injuries that it’s totally out of the question.
Give me a frggin break people. He made one joking comment about Trump. Talk about reaching for a story. By all indications he seems like a great guy in a league full of rapists, murderers and wife beaters. His mistake was saying anything at all about the Trump thing and he learned his lesson.