
Apparently Whoopi is not at a loss to continue defending a serial rapist.

Did you get to read the petition? And why is happy so often in a hurry to go? How many handles does this guy have?

And most likely Cosby will be charged with a crime very soon.

Have you seen Adam Shultis' petition to the LAPD to "investigate the accusers and their special interest groups to see if Bill Cosby is being accused of a crime he did not commit?" Naturally Brandy is behind a conspiracy to frame Cosby due to the fact that she runs the FB page Believe Women. And just in case you had

In the world according to happylife you must believe that Bill Cosby is innocent.

And then you have Juggles to look forward to still posting the same rants.

He's been doing this all over social media for four months. This race rant is his latest but he has other statements and responses that he keeps repeating over and over (check out Billboard Alleged Bill Cosby Victim Testifies). Sometimes he engages with only one person and other times he really goes on a rant (with

This guy is a shill for Bill Cosby who always blames the victim and plays the race card.

Juggling For A Cure for logorrhea.

Keep playing the race card.