
Yes, Serena did indeed make the point. I responded with derision. (Which is not actually whining, O shit-for-brains). That derision extends now to you as well, since you seem incapable of forming a coherent thought on this subject, just “Waaaa, Serena roolz you drooolz lolol!!”

It wasn’t an insult, it was an olive branch. Sorry, no gif-watching for me.

I have no power over Kap, and wouldn’t use it if I did. He can do and say whatever he likes, within the law. As can I. As can even a dumbshit like you.

Sizzling! Ka-zing!

Yes, I live my life according to what Nate Boyer thinks. Christ, how do you tie your shoes in the morning? Whether you respect the feelings of those who are offended or not is immaterial--those feelings will continue to exists, and Kap will alienate potential supporters. Of course, none of this maters to him or to a

No, there’s no point being made at all worth responding to. Kap has a number of issues he could take a stand on, as do all of the people making a large amount of noise about a tiny number of dead people. He chose this one. I chose to call him a grand-standing imbecile.

And now I have! What a glorious day for us both.

AFAICT, the point of the protest is exactly that--deaths of innocents at the hands of police, blacks only. Yes, other issues have been raised tangentially, but far and away the meat of that matter is this. I think I’m quite right on this, but am willing to listen if you have evidence contradicting it.

Kap seems to be speaking specifically about police killings of unarmed black people. Though deplorable when it occurs, it is rare enough that I think many, many issues deserve national consideration and debate before this.

That is a perfectly reasonable question. It isn’t that it doesn’t matter, but it’s also far down the list of things that affect us all, like global climate change, nuclear disarmament, the rise of violent Islamism, plummeting wages and rising housing costs, to name just a few. 

Are you perchance voting for Donald Trump? Because you have that same guileless and unearned self-assurance. Many people feel that standing for the anthem of a country--yours or anyone else’s--is a sign of respect. Many people further feel that kneeling is a sign of disrespect and, further, this is reaction is

Well, you admit you are a dumbfuck, so... progress? The rest of the worst salad isn’t worth responding to, since it contains so little of substance.

To the extent that your reply is coherent, it is obviously wrong.

Did I ever say cops had a dangerous job? I know for a fact it is far less dangerous than many everyday jobs. And if Aaron Rodgers wanted to kneel during the anthem to protest the deaths of white cops, I would think he was an asshole, too.

I am willing to bet a significant sum of money that I am vastly, vastly smarter than you. That said, Kap is not talking about any of the innocent white people who were shot by cops. That is not what any of these protests are about, despite the fact that the raw numbers of whites gunned down by cops far exceeds blacks.

“Eloquent?” Damn, the bar is seeeeriously low, I guess.

So very much this.

Because the dumb song and the piece of cloth stand for something great. Flawed, to be sure, but great. The tiny, tiny number of innocent people killed by the police (and we must keep in mind the black ones matter, the white ones don’t, apparently) is, compared to the far greater problems besetting the US and the

I approve this. Kap’s thundering idiocy here helps detract from the inarticulate grandstanding, so it’s all good.

Well, we’ll all die eventually. But I think I shall not fuck off, thanks for the invite, bitchling. Now run along and fuck yourself with a claw hammer, there’s a good lambie.