Supercalifragilistic Mystic

Thought you might like this pic too

Organize my people? As though as a white woman, all other white women are my people?

I’m a white woman, just like you, and I also find it incredibly annoying that I fall under the same category as the white women who voted for Trump or solely participate in white feminism, if they even recognize feminism it at all. But the reality is we are all equal in our whiteness no matter who we voted for or

Well, as Samantha Bee (a white woman) said, “if the Muslims have to take responsibility for every member of their community, so do we”.

We’ve all seen what you guys can do in a voting booth so why is it so strange to ask for accountability?

WoC have organized and marched without the support of the masses of white women who came out when a man assaulted *their* identities. The point is if you want unity you need to 1) Include WoC in the conversation 2) Recognize your spheres of influence and use your privilege to speak out.

Please ask yourself why this brought up so much hurt and anger, and you might gain some insight into why it’s so important NOT to get defensive. It’s not “pointing false blame” at you, so it’s not worth centering the discussion on you.

Show public support, amplify the needs and the voices of people of color, interject when someone like you gets their goddamn panties in a wad because someone implied your race elected Donald Trump (it did).

I thought this was interesting.

Wait- you’re saying it’s #notsmartwhitewomen? Do you have any stats on eye color, favorite food or the amount of sleep these white women get? No chart, no breakdown invalidates that the generic classification of white women made a huge impact on putting this ogre in office. The education level of the states which had

I’m not sure where you’re getting those stats. Everything I’ve seen says Hil actually won with people making under 50k, while trump won EVERY white demographic - rich, poor, educated, uneducated, men, and WOMEN.

So whose job is that? Hers or yours? That is her point.

Yep. This is a good way to put it. When it matters, we certainly can’t count on them.

At the end of the day most people are inherently selfish. . . many college-educated white women know to say the right thing but secretly enjoy their privilege.

I was over on a sister site saying it


I want to be with you on this, I want to say that we should encourage the people who came out to keep doing the same thing, but on the other hand things like these are meant to be challenging. If you go there and you’re triggered by truth in the form of people noting on their signs that 53% of white women voted for

Just so you know, you can support both at the same time.