Supercalifragilistic Mystic

People don’t want to believe they’re “the bad guys”; they don’t want to acknowledge their forbearers did the wrong thing. So, instead of confronting that, they alter and whitewash history and teach their kids the edited version of history. So you end up with a whole population with the Wrong Idea, and then those

I’ve been listening to a podcast about the Civil War. As a foreigner I didn’t learn much about American history in school and now that I live here I feel the need to learn it in order to understand the country better. And forgive my naiveté but I had no idea racism and white supremacy were so deeply ingrained into the

“Why is she hitting drywall with a hammer, seemingly at random? What outcome is she hoping for?”

Omg. Best.

Why is she hitting drywall with a hammer, seemingly at random? What outcome is she hoping for?

“But but rich people won’t steal! And he has nice daughters!”.

Local police departments will likely issue warrants for those who’ve been incarcerated previously. If they find them, they’ll take them down to the crossing in Laredo or Juarez, or Eagle Pass, and send them across. This is what already happens if an undocumented immigrant is released from jail.