
@techynottreky: No, not really. DEVELOPERS get more frequent updates, and shortly before the finalized Froyo (2.2) build, people went nuts, gobbling up every available build. Google has even said they plan on spacing out releases more.

@brianhatch: Who runs Syfy these days? People who think renaming the channel "Syfy" and alienating its core audience will build ratings.

@pikixtlaniman: "Not to be bad folk, but even with no science knowldge, mayans discovered 0, pitagoras its theorem, and more stuff from simple facts. "

Whoever posted that video should learn that streaming Wii video is decidedly NOT HD.

@mtfmuffins: Look, George Carlin was a really cool guy, but he wasn't a marine biologist or a scientist of any kind, so maybe you wanna take his opinion with a grain of salt.

@WetSkeletonz: Because crotchety old people don't understand what a SMART board is.

Every time I see Jonas Venture, Jr., I think of Regular Joe.

@Placentasaurus: 13" MacBook Pros don't have a discrete graphic processor. You won't be able to expect much to begin with.

@michael3898: "Our entire educational system needs a revamp, and that isn't going to come from handing out cash and debit cards for ignorant trash to buy liquor with."

@meehawl: That's not a flowchart. It's a flowline.

@michael3898: "Show me a government that doesn't take 50% of my money to promote the explosion of uneducated welfare class "

@Brandonium: It's not an issue of entitlement any more than getting electricity and roads pushed out to rural areas during/shortly after the depression. At the time, both were considered luxuries. Now they are necessities of modern life.

@Fred Steffen: Found the service you were PROBABLY thinking of. DirectTV partners with WildBlue when DSL is not available.

@Brandonium: " I wish people would see that Government doesn't need to handle every single thing."

@Daniel Bell: Really? Because the private sector is so willing to take risks and expand into untapped markets.

@Cameron Barker: Good luck finding a job without the internet. Unless you're happy with a job that has no future.

@Fred Steffen: "You won't be winning any Counterstrike matches, but it's more than serviceable."

@michael3898: Sure, just like the private sector built highways and electricity infrastructure?

@Bradford Bugni: Yeah! The government should totally stay out of commerce! So that next time your bank collapses, it's not insured! So that next time some douchebag throws together a Ponzi scheme, he doesn't get sent to prison!

@wireddisciple: Great, let's crowd expensive cities even more. Your plan is foolproof.