
@gravebones: See? In the face of winter, you all ran. The highest point of the US isn't even the front lines on the cold front.

T-Mobile is dying? I've been using their service since 2004. They really need to up their game in more rural areas, but here in the Chicago area they've been marvelous. I know plenty of people that have T-Mo as a carrier. I find the linked declaration suspect.

@BKFishmaster: That could even be a reason it was pulled. The exec who took over Starz apparently passed on the show when it was presented to HBO.

"Dragons are fantasy."

@gravebones: Please. I'd love to see you sunbathers deal with a Chicago winter.

It's great for you. That doesn't mean it's great for everyone. Penny Arcade linked to a wonderful description why.

40 hours sounds good.

Nokia N-Series phones have all had very good cameras. The 2.1 megapixel on my N90 from '05 was better than the camera on my G1. Possibly better than my Nexus One, too.

It's kind of what The Happening should have been.

@Nixorbo: That's exactly what I wanted to see. Thanks for keeping Clone High in everyone's memory.

I'd totally buy those Ryu ones, except that I am flat broke, and Nikes tend to cost big bucks.

@complextinction: If you have to preface something with "this isn't racist/sexist/etc," you should probably think about whether you should share it.

@Eridani: The first Twilight was so bland, it stole the nickname "Captain Cardboard" from Riley Finn.

I watched the first Twilight movie when it hit netflix, because I was sure it couldn't be that bad.

@BlueCrazy: What point? That people don't always make what they're worth?

@Dereck Goolsby-Bearsong: Elaborate. Not that I'm arguing. Just that your response-article is pretty vague. That article does not reference the dollar, euro, pound, or yen in any way. It takes New York as a base of 100(likely percent), and shows the difference. So Japan is more expensive(Tokyo is approx. 50% more

@Mokon: Living in a good neighborhood with good opportunities puts you far above poverty level. End of story. My parents moved us out of the city proper and into the suburbs, where I was fortunate enough to go to a very good school. But only because we had family members that were willing to loan us money for a house

@Mokon: I looked at Craigslist. Apartments range from under $1000 (possibly bad neighborhoods, I accept) to over $4,000. On average, that's around 30% more than Chicago.