meh, no he’s not.
meh, no he’s not.
this article and viewpoint are horrible. she’s an american icon. if there were a T swift assassination, america would go jfk in mourning and rightfully so!
as a kid I used the line, “in your wet dreams.” I’d never heard it before so I coined this phrase in my personal universe as I thought it implied urine soaked.
Grant Morrison posits, I think in a disinfo speech , that ww2 was necessary to see the depravity that we’re capable of. i feel that.
no, he didn’t literally bang her. oral and cigar banging of a sort I’s sick that people thought that this white lie mattered enough to impeach. Trump’s connection with Russia via Michael Flynn are already much worse then some fooling around.
I said same. draw. the fight just previous to main even had some poor judging, with choclotito losing by decision.
I’d back the Raiders if they got Lynch and Charles. they’d be unstoppable.
lol, that’s like showing a pic of an NFL team as a racial gauge of the US pop.
“He argued that the most well off black person is still more violent and more likely to commit crimes than the worst off whites.” looks like Samwise is pointing to something pretty specific right here. Maybe fact-check him, instead of just talking s***.
its pretty awesome the replaceable controllers get damaged at the ends, not the console. they’re too pricey, but still. hopefully there’s some third party support for joy cons w/out all the Wii gimmickery.
I’v worked at a similar facility. it wasn’t as bad as this seems to be, but “might makes right” was certainly the philosophy.not too many truly confident strong principled people who want to make less then 20/hr doing a really tough job with a bunch a doucebags and unformed minds.
gisele reads as white...and there’s a reason, both her parents are of german decent and both from a region of brazil where many germans lived. culturally i’m sure she’s brazilian, but i’d bet she’s at least 50% german.
This election feels more and more like a setup. illuminati at work here. I ended the election being a burnt Berner, but began it by saying Trump was a false flag who would win nomination.
The #2 cause of death in the US for American men is depression. This holds true for ages 10-34, and ranges between 14 and 20%. Just looked that up and was surprised.
I’m not a fan of anyone taking cheap shots. Red Hoodie teen was clearly a beta compared to the obviously more mature sucker puncher. If he’s vigilante teen he’s like a Batman who beats the shit out of you for being drunk in public. Teen gotta chill a little, but still probably a good teen...Red Hoodie will never hit…
Blaine Gabbert, (5 games, 890 yds, 5 tds, 6 ints, rating 69.6.) definitely helped the cause. I hope Kelly is playing a little rope a dope with Kap’s decline. It’d be nice to see him do well again.
this feels like from a movie or commercial. sad loss.
I can’t believe no one clapped. I’d like to see Sherman in politics one day. Stanford grad, 4.1 in high school, intelligent, always has a pretty wise perspective but speaks extemporaneouslyrics and not practiced in buzz words. Sherman 2032!
HERE’S WHAT’S GONNA HAPPEN!!! After winning an NCAA title, Captain Comeback, Jim Harbaugh will return to the folks that drafted him all those years ago, The Chicago Bears. Come on universe give us Coach Harbaugh.