
A few things I’ve learned between being a good college athlete, losing shape and now getting it back at 36. 1. Diet is key. I wish I had taken this more seriously, but I always equated a good diet with $. Now I eat an egg white, heavy diet which is cheap and pretty good as far as protein and nutrition goes. 2. Get

Anyone else feel a need to go wipe their butthole?

Best thing to do in abq, go anywhere and watch the sunset, except the southwest valley, that shit crazy.

Thought I was the only one she’s was growing on. It’s weird I don’t even like her music so much, but since her latest SNL and seeing this hate for her dressing like every other pop star, I dig her. Even her “I hate America” remark, was agreeable. Yeah Ariana, seeing a bunch of baked dough makes me hate aspects of

Ariana always seems to be miming behavior that’s popular in Japan, which definitely fetishizes school girls in a big way. She must be huge over there

Most powerful country in the world and this topic has repeatedly been a part of our political discourse. Might as well vote for President Camacho again.

Click on the idiots profile and the "yuck" is explained in context to his discussions. Dude’s a troll. Mostly racist shit vs black people.

Reminds me of, “Fucking Obama...”

I thought he was going to go full on Nomo for a second

That “fan” is as real as the “wrestling”

Why wouldn’t he just smoke the real stuff tho? Synthetic weed is soooo much worse then the real natural stuff, we all know that. It’s pretty hard for UFC fighters to get popped for THC levels, since they raised the limit. Why do you think Diaz didn’t get popped after he worked McG. JJ needs to smoke more weed and

Or his Martian brother from another mother J’on J'onzz.

80 dollars for less than 2oz! Seems one would have to be very rich for this product to be anything but spot correction, aka similar to every makeup product out there. Not that I like makeup, women look best without it. My mother never wore much makeup and today looks much younger than her friends who spent years


I’m a guy but I figured that’s what this was for. The tube of this stuff looks tiny, and is probably expensive, doesn’t look like you can slather it all over your body everyday.

Yeah that Jesus guy, just a big jerk. Didn’t preach inclusiveness at all. Maybe your thinking about the other part of the Bible. I’m sure you were being a bit flip

So should I get up in arms about skin bronzer too? Or people who want to get tans?

She’s pretty. Fit women glow.

Your line reminds me of those guys that get really mouthy and say some dumb racist shit, or something stupid to someone else’s girlfriend. Then when someone confronts the guy he dials it up to 10 and goes to get his gun. People like you are just the biggest cowards. Learn that there’s a time when striking someone is

“Because you think men are better than women and need to be protected like defenseless animals? Last I checked women are equal to men and human beings that can take care of themselves if they wanted.”