Dan O

That line of thinking is just silly. Yes they’ll congregate elsewhere. Of course they would. But if they are on Facebook they are on a platform that millions of people visit DAILY. If they get the boot from Facebook and other major platforms eventually they’ll wind up on some nothing website like with

Thank the gods. I very nearly canceled our NetFlix account when they started that shit, but my wife still wanted it. It is unreal that they thought that “feature” would be welcomed by anyone.

My parents got one of these in 2002, right when they came out. They insisted on getting one with AWD and a manual, much to the dealer’s dismay (he wanted to sell them one off the lot, all of which were automatic).

Onewheel laughs at your pebbles.

We’re going to need more monkeys and footballs.

This is literally what I was going to post.

Stick to sports.

It’s [the] sign alright. Going out of business.

Really? No one? Fine, I’ll do it.

To be fair, if there is ever a tornado bearing down on Michael Wilbon, I also hope that no one tells him.

Having conversations in other languages is key, at least for me. I don’t have so much trouble remembering the vocabulary, and I can understand alright, but come time to have a real world conversation, I clam up on the response.

Pennsylvania is just knock-off North Carolina full of wannabe Southerners. 

That Bakoblin is nuts.  It’s almost giving me an inverse uncanny valley effect, where real life looks so much like the video game that it’s a bit unsettling.

You remember that Sunday morning, two months after dad left, you wake up and notice mom’s hair is seriously mussed, and then you walk into the kitchen and dad is making eggs like the past eight weeks never happened . . .

The mechanism of this vulnerability and ease of use is pretty extreme however. I don’t think there are others quite like this. Usually you have to trick the user into some interaction, installation of some software, or need physical access to device.

That might be the most thoughtful reply to an opposing view that I've read on one of these sites.  I'm pretty sure you are supposed to just name call.

My worst hangover this year was the day we got off for George Bush’s passing. It was worth it.

I just need to know if it plays like Fallout 4 with real people and no NPCs. That’s all. If it works the same (barring VATS of course) I will definitely buy it.
EDIT: .....Annnnd this is the wrong article.

Seriously, while this is a fun thought experiment, unseating a successfully nominated and approved SC Justice for actions prior to being on the court is a tough win, even under the most ideal of circumstances.

Just wait for the day Big Johnson comes back