
Considering it's an RPG, quick and precise controls aren't as necessary as a game like, say, Super Mario World.

You have a bit more time to select your inputs so using a keyboard wouldn't be that big of a deal.

That aside, you really shouldn't be pirating/emulating this game. When it was unavailable for such a long-time

DanielMrkMiller my friend, you have made one of the most productive counter-points out of any discussion of this topic I've had on the internet.

Yes, you can easily argue that Nintendo's main selling point of its hardware is the first-party software it sells exclusive on its systems. Without that software the systems

You're leaving out a ton of their history if you're only looking at the last console cycle. Even then one could argue that their massive success in appealing to a broader and more casual audience was a marvel in and of itself. The NES, SNES, and N64 were revolutionary consoles, and the design logic introduced from

Hoping for a company to drop out of the competition is never a good thing. Nintendo, while making many baffling decisions, at least does things differently than Microsoft and Sony.

Their innovation and groundbreaking designs are what paved the way for our industry, and while everyone else continues to just refine

Calm down the ego a little bit guy, you're the one busting out the put-downs at someone having a different opinion than you. Claiming I don't know the definitions of certain words and must of not even played the games based on the opinions I had of them.

Bottom-line is I backed up my statements regarding the games with

Ok, this is just blatent fanboyism. I'm not sure why I even attempted this conversation.

I never said they weren't innovative, I said that level of innovation and groundbreaking design work fizzled out after Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. At that point they just continued making Zelda games, not making adventure

I'm going to say all of those fans are right except the ones who want more Darker storyline games. That is where Sonic just got stupid.

I think in all honesty Sega hit the jackpot with Sonic the Hedgehog in the 90's, and ended up accidentally owning an immensely popular character that they had no idea how to develop

I would call Colors ok and Generations ok. Neither of them were "great" or "amazing". In fact, I wasn't "amazed" at anything in Generations.

Ok, no need for all that, I'm one of the biggest Zelda fans there are, you should see my collection, but that doesn't make the series perfect.

It was groundbreaking, it introduced a formula that adventure games and many other genres still build off of today, but in its later entries post Wind Waker and OOT it has

I wouldn't call them all masterpieces. Wind Waker is excellent save for a few speedbumps along the way. Twilight Princess is a solid, albeit predictablely traditional Zelda title. Skyward Sword serves as a pretty good experiment, showing the series can generate some fresh ideas and spins on the Zelda formula and

My only issue with that book was its fixation on Skyward Sword.

Honestly, I've always liked the pun of a title they gave the US version over the Japanese. A Link to the Past is a more creative title, considering it's making both a reference to the main character (Link), being directly involved with a huge event from the history of Hyrule, as well as his maidens in distress being

"better experience" is relative. I play and have played both console and PC games my whole life. I still prefer a controller for nearly every game I play, even shooters. While there was a time I wouldn't touch a shooter with a controller there have been huge leaps in UI that have made the controller a very viable

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Someone not raging back at me? That is unexpected. Almost as unexpected as the tidal wave of hate I received in the first place.

When video games mix with a tiny amount of social issues, everyone puts on their serious face. Probably the worst thing I'm seeing here is the argument that Mario is just as racist,

Good advice. I'm going to do that.

1) I replied to a comment already jokingly saying they were both racist in their own way.

2) Yes, but that doesn't mean a image portraying a race in a stereotypical fashion CANT be racist. You see an image of an african american with exaggerated features and performing a series of very stereotypical acts, and I would

slow, lone clap...

I'm not sure what I want to call that, I don't really have a term readily available for that sort of phenomenon.

Make sure you throw that chair out.