
Considering I wasn't the only one who noticed the stereotypical nature of the image, and Kotaku went so far as to remove it from their front page I'd say no, everyone is not fine.

As stated, I wasn't offended, just pointing out the obvious that this image was hilariously racist in the most stereotypical way. Needless

To be fair, and I'm assuming the majority of people responding to me can't be bothered to continue reading the thread before doing so, I never claimed to be offended by it. I specifically explained that I wasn't offended by it, moreso just thought it was funny that something this "racist" would be showcased in a

And you're an ignorant asshole. Which one is worse?

I suppose both, in their own unique ways.

That doesn't look like the majority of the population, it looks like an exaggerated stereotype of what a bunch of ignorant people think Japanese people look like.

I'd like to hear your reasoning as to how it's not. It's incredibly stereotypical.

That picture of Mario, on the right side of the video before you play it, with all the VERY stereotypical features?

Are you face-blind like Marky Bark?

No, I wasn't offended, more just surprised. I naturally assumed it was something that was missed, and didn't think for a second that it was intentional.

That picture seems.......incredibly racist.

To the best of my understanding, Arkham Origins takes place about two years into him being Batman.

Yeah, highly unlikely that GTA V is going to drop that low within 2-4 months.

I'm not really sure why you refuse to give money to Rockstar, who consistently puts out fantastic games, but whatever.

Either you don't use your controller much or you just haven't noticed it. This has happened to me as well, and is a VERY widely experienced issue.

For people who have played any game like RE5 that requires you to move the stick alot, or a fighting game, the thumbsticks ended up getting shitty pretty quickly.

Yeah, because wasting money on new batteries is awesome, not to mention all the physical waste it produces.

It is 2013, every competing product has an internal battery, this is straight up ridiculous. The only reason they did this is so they could sell us rechargeable battery packs.

Spinal Tap reference reminds me that I love you.

On those two games, you make a great point.

They don't have to put that effort in to the other ports. SotC and Ico weren't "rebuilt" for their ps3 debut, and it looks fantastic.

The Wii U is less powerful than a 360, it can't do anti-aliasing in the way a PS3 can even on old titles like this.

Is that a knock? No, I own a Wii U, God do I wish I had more to play

At what point will we stop saying Wii U ports look worse than 360/PS3 due to laziness or sloppy work, and just accept that maybe all these professional developers are right, and the thing is less powerful than an Xbox 360.

He's not really that inaccurate, right now there really are very few positive things to talk about when it comes to Wii U. The positives include reporting on Nintendo Directs, and then everything else is negative.

Believe it or not as a teenager I owned a DKC competition cart, bought it with a lot at a flea market back when Game Collecting wasn't a mainstream thing and people weren't hiking their prices up.

Person didn't know what it was, and not being connected to the collector community online, I didn't know what it was