
As a collector, I understand that feeling all too well. Generally, I make exceptions anytime I come across something rare, even if there's something I was more interested in buying, because nine times out of ten, what I was interested in isn't that hard to find.

Yes, you should have, and as a collector you should have known better than to leave a very rare game like that behind, regardless of its condition.

Even in poor shape, the game can go for a couple hundred bucks, you could've flipped it online.

But yes, the game itself isn't as valuable as the box and manual, considering

What you saw was likely Clayfighter 63 1/3. That saw retail release and is only relatively uncommon. Clayfighter Sculpter's Cut was a Blockbuster rental exclusive, that never saw a retail release. As you can imagine, a game that was only available as a Blockbuster rental in select stores can be quite rare. As i'm sure

I would agree, you are definitely in the minority. The sailing sections were a lesson in patience, and slow the game down to a halt during the final Triforce hunting section. I know many people who never finished the game because of that part, simply because it stopped being fun.

Don't bother feeling sorry, i'm press, so I play a lot of games because it's my job.

I still think people will throw around the word "generic" so frequently it looses all meaning. Army of Two is a generic shooter, Walking Dead was a generic shooter, Medal of Honor was a generic shooter.

If you really sit and play those games next to Infinite, regardless of your personal disappointment in it, there is a

If Bioshock Infinite is the worst thing you've played all year, then I feel sorry for you.

I'm going to prescribe one copy each of Dead Island: Riptide, Army of Two: Devil's Cartel, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, and Way of the Dogg.

Give those more than one hour a piece, then we can see if

To be fair, we're talking about not only a launch title, but a launch title that was made with current-gen hardware in mind. Deep Down looks considerably better than ACIV.

I'm just asking, and this isn't intended to be rude, but there's no way you played like that all the way to LV60 and through Inferno, at least not at launch and especially not if none of your friends used the AH.

I put 90 hours into my Demon Hunter, and at no point past even level 30 I'd say was I finding gear or drops



I agree with your points except claiming Injustice is Mortal Kombat. It is not, only someone with a very thin grasp on fighters would make that claim. It has striking similarities to Mortal Kombat on the surface, but as soon as you begin playing it on any sort of complex level, it is not like playing Mortal Kombat.

Two big faults with your argument.

Long time Blizzard and Diablo fan just like yourself, and i'm here to say I disagree. Just because you played all those games way back when and have enjoyed them as long as the rest of us, does not make you the definitive voice in it's quality.

Diablo 3 is a damn fun game, it is not the mindblowing successor to D2

I was going to say the same thing!

As you'll read in here it states it has people playing as villains against a Batman and Robin. Either way, it's a mode where people can team up as Batman and Robin. I didn't state specifically co-op, I just wanted that.

Speak for yourself, I've been wanting some sort of multiplayer that allows two people to play as Batman and Robin since I first played Arkham Asylum.

The only problem is that you have to buy Dead Island Riptide to get it.

Wait, I don't think i've ever seen Batman tie someone up to GIVE them a gun. He hates guns....I believe there is an irony here being missed. =D

I'm just not sure where these complaints come from. Complaining about what the game "should" have been as opposed to what it is.

There is an insane amount of digging and poking and prodding that goes into a game that is generally believed to be great by the overwhelming majority, and there comes a time when we have to