
I had a conversation the other day with another guy who’s been in the military since god was a corporal and we were wondering aloud (with the door closed) how anyone in uniform can support this man who is the personification of everything the military is supposed to stand against.


I’m not a huge Bernie fan but there’s no better indictment of this country than he and his ideas being shown the curb while an intellectual, moral and physical coward defiles the white house.

They didn’t just lose, they got their coward asses kicked squarely in the very small cubes by a bunch of learned northerners who saw them for the feckless morons they were. They weren’t just traitors, they openly committed treason in defense of ignorance, their only proper flag is a white one and their only proper

The conservative majority, in an unsigned opinion...

She’s dumb enough to consider that question classist, racist, sexist or some other thing ending in -ist that only a breathtaking moron would consider to be a valid complaint (I refer you to the greys where I’m sure some all caps clowns are earning their red dunce caps).

With people as cravenly moronic as Grisham the question has to come up if they are genuinely this stupid or if they’re doing it just for the money or access.

If we’re throwing Griswolds around, Clark is too squared away to be compared to feckless donnie, shit Sparky’s a Rhodes Scholar while donnie’s over there eatin’ the f’in paste again.

Just your daily reminder that the fraction of a human currently defiling the White House is still and has always been defined entirely by his fecklessness.

‘Social distancing’ isn’t new to me, it’s how I’ve rolled for years and I’ve always treated every trip to the grocery like a raid - get in, stick to the list, don’t make eye contact and get the fuck out, limited time on the objective.

Listen up Pilgrim, Ranch without Chipotle is like a day without sunshine.

“I don’t think they’re going to try to silence me. I think that would be foolish
on their part,”

To defend cadet bone spurs, his fellow moronic cowards are actually asking with a straight face if the term ‘Chinese food’ is racist.

ZeroZeroZero on Amazon Prime is excellent. It’s about a big cocaine shipment from Mexico to Italy and all the dirty deals and deeds involved.

Wait, wait, you mean to tell me Twitter can be used by a President for leadership, education and setting a good example and not just for self-aggrandizement, grammatically challenged feckless lies and showing your whole ass?

I’ve clicked on a few links from you and jesus fucking christ do you not get it, and you’ll most likely cast off into the void not even knowing what ‘it’ is but you’ll have left a few edgy, moronic screen names behind so that’s a win right?

This ‘kill yourself’ shit I see a lot as a flippant response needs to end, as ignorant and repugnant as a post may be, this is not the way to fight it, suicide isn’t a joke and it draws you down below the level of the assclown you’re responding to.

One of the great utilities of the comment section on The Root is you read a post like this about garbage humans doing garbage things and you shake your head wondering if it’s actually possible people are this f’ing ignorant, then you scroll down a bit and see some all caps clown saying ‘hold my beer’.

You’re right, I don’t think she’ll die, I think the people running the show are better than taking the easy way out of the Kim question, it’s just when she walked through that gate with everything that happened with that guy before I had a bad feeling.

One of the big questions that needs resolving is why Kim isn’t in Breaking Bad and I was thinking when she went back to that guy’s house at night she was going to die in some ‘stand your ground’ assclownery.