Reading Yankee fans on Twitter? Was the cheese grater on your junk not getting it done?
Reading Yankee fans on Twitter? Was the cheese grater on your junk not getting it done?
Stephen A? That you?
Little know fact - that play was called the Mike Pence because of everything you listed.
Crispy Cream Sabathia will always be a son of a bitch in my book but damn if he wasn’t a son of a bitch you wanted on your favorite team, unless your favorite team is the Yankees, then just go ahead and choke yourself.
Ahh thanks?
Commenting to yourself is just south of stalking.
I’m more of an elite QB than Joey, that’s not a joke and Mrs Flacco knows it too, the real question is who is this guy on Fox’s coverage of the ALCS with Smoltz? Dude is killing it.
Any Pats fan worth their weight in Dunkin knew Janene Garrafola would be the fucking Jason of future Patriot’s Halloweens but Jacoby might just bring the rain first.
China’s ‘capitalism when it suits us’ policies have long deserved a huge middle finger but greed will keep it retracted.
They’ll never ship sweet Tommy to the Jets! Oh wait, did you mean the other Jesus?
I’m a Pats fan which means I’m something of a dick but it’s funny how the team’s WR corps has gone from ho hum to partially orgasmic to what I’m pretty sure was the fuckin towel boy bringing a laundry list of problems last Thursday.
Stalking in the open - gutsy move Mav.
I’d prefer a knob over a tosser, wanker or god forbid a scrote.
Sometimes you watch actors and think “yeah that’s how that person really is”.
Luis, I know you just work here but for fuck’s sake this Gizmodo clown car has become impossible to navigate. Privacy badger is earning it’s fucking dime my friend. I’ve seen friendlier shit on DoD browsers.
Oh you son of a bitch!
Canada’s attitude last night (rightfully) was not apologetic but more “fuck you hosers, we’re better than you”.
CONCACAF realistic rankings:
Last night was no fluke, Canada has a better team right now.