super blood red moon pie

I read and liked the book though even then the age gap was, let’s just say, problematic to ME as an American, even understanding that in Italy and/or Europe a 17 year old involved in a sexual relationship with someone older isn’t considered that big of a deal, as the age of consent is lower than in (some parts) of the

Ewwwww. Texture. Why Megan? I was about to eat some lovely slices of whole grain and seed buttered toast and noticed mold on the top by poppy seeds and sunflowers. That is what has been done to the word texture in my mind now. I got rid of some dishes two years ago because for 10 years they reminded me of my ex. Now I

Monday horror, Tuesday grief,

Cheerleaders are often amazing athletes and acrobats in their own right.

So if there’s a place that is very hard to get reservations for, and a cheerleader manages to snag one, and she takes her parents there for their 50th anniversary, if an NFL player shows up, unannounced, and the maitre d’ allows him to be seated, SHE is the one who is in violation of the rules and has to leave?

So all the heteros watching sprortsballs can stop questioning their homoerotic thrills by having scantily clad women give them the “No Homo” pass.

Knowing the NFL, the rules are probably to protect the players in some way. For example, I imagine the media would be more likely to cover allegations against a player of sexual harassment/abuse/what-have-you if they’re made by someone else who is also employed by a team than by someone who is otherwise entirely

What I read suggested that the bathing suit wasn’t the problem. Apparently, the event at which she took the bathing suit photo was the same event at which an NFL player was also seen.

Maybe they shitcanned it for the whole raping underaged kid thing.

A great-looking 35, but I think it’s a fair age guesstimate. I have 40 year old friends who could be a decade younger than him. He could easily play “handsome 40s” if he had to.

I thought Chalamet passed as a 17 year old, but Hammer reads as way older than 24, and honestly even older than the 29/30 that he actually was when he filmed the movie. And that does have the net effect of casting the romance in a completely different light.

I think the thing we should focus on (since it’s most likely to infuriate Drumpf) is that it clearly isn’t Go Time for him unless you make him think of Ivanka.

Certainly shifts the context of one of Nic Cage’s more memorable lines though...

The answer to any question regarding what Trump supporters believe is always “All the things.” They believe every possible answer. Even when they contradict each other. Especially when they contradict each other. He says every possible thing about every possible thing, and therefore they believe every possible

Listen, I’m 33 and I was just a kid when that all went down. I’m not responsible for Bill Clinton’s behavior, I’m focused on the here and now.

It was killed in 2011 because Stormy denied it happened after she sold it, because her and her daughter were threatened. In Touch still had the piece ready to go, when she decided to come forward again.

Here you can almost see Harry quietly arriving at the same thought as the official Jezebel editorial policy on the Titanic: instead of hitting the iceberg, they should have gone around it.

Looks like he only shoots boys.

Son, he’s got that shit on lock: