
Laserface just deleted the comment we both replied to on the other thread just to get rid of our replies pointing out why he’s actually banned on most of the rest of GMG. Again, biggest troll on kinja is the one they’re promoting on a post about cleaning up their commentariat, while plenty of other people with

You’ve got nothing to be sorry for. I’m sorry for responding to this comment instead of your actual reply to me, but if you want a perfect example of what I was telling you about why Jman Laserface is the biggest troll on kinja then reload the page and open up the comments. Remember this comment you made, which is the

Igotleyed managed to get UmmDavid banned for telling everyone to kill themselves, but it took repeatedly pointing it out to the point that he basically just embarrassed them into it with this post. But then they shadowbanned him as well.

Just said the same thing. I was laughing my ass off when I scrolled down and saw they had promoted him, of all people on Kinja, in a piece about improving the commentariat. Tells you all you really need to know right there. It’s not even like he’s good at disguising what he really is.  It’s still galling that he’s

That’s not at all why he was banned. I was one of the many people involved in getting him banned, and it had nothing to do with his psycho obsession with that movie and Zack Snyder in general.

The House M.D. finale was exactly what I was thinking the entire time too.  

Now playing

If you can count records that had all the dialogue as well as the music then it was probably the soundtrack to Disney’s Robin Hood which I wore out.

Had to scroll waaayyy too far down to find this mentioned.


See those threads where you can expand comments..... Now switch over to the Pending view and click the Show Pending button. Now those same threads that you used to be able to expand will only have 5 comments with no option to expand them further. Sure, they might show comments in the greys if they’re in those first

Fuck me in the goat ass!

You’re not even the first person to point this out to them.

Really? How are there no links to this in the Recommended Stories module? You’re slippin’, AV Club. You’re slippin’.

I’m so happy this got picked up for a second season. I loved this. Everything about it was delightful. Exceptional cast full of people I’ve been a fan of for a long time but who are usually in much smaller roles. Especially Linda Emond and Brent Jennings. I liked Sonya Cassidy on Humans, and she was phenomenal here

S’all good, man.