
A poor review for a movie that the National Board of Review says is the best film of the year? Whatever, different critics can have different opinions.

Yes, Monk, I’m paid entirely in attention, and You Sir are my best customer.

Rapaport is inarticulate, but happens to have a point.

You have to click on the linked Sunday Times article, which you can’t read unless you are a Sunday Times subscriber, so no fucking clue. Maybe try a pop culture and entertainment news site that isn’t turning into absolute garbage.

Jesus Christ.

An article endorsing people getting banned from social media for expressing opinions you disagree with, than another lamenting the same fate befalling those you find more cordial posted a few hours later.

Even Brietbart isn’t so painfully lacking in self awareness, oblivious to irony.

I applaud Joe Dante’s decision to recast Christopher Plummer in place of this monster.

I remember that one.

Anything good lined up for Cyber Monday?

Anything good lined up for Cyber Monday?

In the meantime please enjoy hunting down this autoplay video for ______ while you hunt it down to disable it as it blasts out to everyone within 25 feet of you with ears, and make sure to click through to any one of the many, many, many Amazon links we paste in posts or create entire pages around so that we “may” get

Will Harris is back! Dude, it’s been 3 months. I thought you might really be gone this time. Don’t do that. You doing these is the best thing on the site... and by a wide margin these days.

I’m sorry but people have to understand that they are 100% responsible for everything their friends do forever and ever.

Lena Dunham is such a monster. What kind of animal has friends in college that make offensive jokes? Also how could Lena not take responsibility for everything her friends did? Doesn’t Lena understand her importance? Why didn’t she use her powers to prevent everything bad from happening?

I love liberals. In fact, I’m one myself. But Jesus fucking Christ, man.

She is now.

What about Transformers? What if they made a whole show about Transformers and the cast were all Transformers?

Concern troll strikes again!

Yeah we should just tell them to get with the program or GET OUT! The trans community needs to be a zero tolerance, zero understanding, zero shits given group of people. Make sure to let everyone know that you either act exactly as we deem an appropriate level of understanding or we don’t want you. It’s great when we

Go die in a ditch somewhere away from everyone else you miserable douche.

God you’re such an unbelievable piece of garbage. Does it bother you that you’re a complete failure of a human being who nobody will ever care about or respect in any way?