
I came here to say this. I watched it and really enjoyed. Totally not my standard fare but I love Big Dave and it turned out the child actress was naturalistic and funny. Recommended to the nephews and nieces!

This makes the teenage boy within me feel all funny..

I hate Kinja so much, especially on my phone so I’m not going to scroll through to see if it’s there but LA Confidential. LA CONFIDENTIAL. A THOUSAND TIMES LA CONFIDENTIAL!!!!

I was down for his when I first heard about it. This review has made me super extra mega down for it! Wooo!

I ain’t mad at you Tin Star, I’m just really.. really disappointed

I guess in for a penny in for a pound. I just really wanted it to be good!

I watched the whole thing on Sky Atlantic in the UK.. and god I wish I hadn’t.

Why when I click to see more comments does it take me back to the start of them all?

Thanks for clarifying!

What is this grey zone? Am I in it too? Excuse the ignorance I’m a very infrequent commentor

Testing.. testing.. 1..2..

I'm gonna need you to come in Saturday to fix this list mkay

Gary Cole and Stephen Root!

Hi all- just registered an account to say this.