
The only race that needs to shut the fuck up is yours retard since you guys are the number one evil on this planet it’s not like white people do this all the time unlike you douche fags that keep committing crimes in the ghettos. funny something like this happens one time unless it has happened before which I doubt

Love of guns an violence man shut the hell up with your lies dumb ass hole you negros have concert shootouts all the time whether its rap and or hip hop an r&b. but you don’t see the major media outlets covering the news about them. since you have to get them on the internet.

You blinded sighted fools just don’t seem to realize those are called uncle toms an or magic negros, the black people (A.K.A Negro) that you may think are equal to you are just acting white and or pretending to be civilized an being you’re friend or friends will sooner or later show their true colors. if you’re white