Sup, Dudes?

If you are not wearing the required makeup, I will stop you and apply it myself. I don't care if you're late for class. I don't care if you're a sophomore or a super senior. I will stop you.

The entitlement in telling another woman what to do with her eyebrows. I just — not to be obnoxious about it, but this is how women enact and enforce the patriarchy on one another.


Oh you liberals and your constant negativity. Let's consider instead what she got right about this article.

Ladies and gentleman, I give you the tale of Saint Basil Fuckoff, the patron saint of waiters and bartenders.

I'm hoping it's because he stole the mascot animal of the Derry High School Dairy Cows on the rich side of town and led it into the third floor girls' bathroom and it had to be lifted out by crane and it was the best prank EVER and everybody wanted to elect him Prom King but the principal was a total buzzkill and put