They'd have to have the hair cuts, then.
They'd have to have the hair cuts, then.
Fierce little one! I can see her being a future Beyonce or President. Take nothing from nobody, honey!
Is it bad that I want to steal a bicycle from a child? IS IT.
Not to fear. Crabs are very friendly.
Tongue-Eating Parasite — I'm thinking all grrrl punk band.
Thank you! To those of us who actually are plus-sized, there is nothing "plus-sized" about her. She's just what a normal, healthy woman looks like. Doubting she's ever seen the inside of a Lane Bryant or Avenue.
Um... I'm wondering if the sarcasm didn't come across. Cliff notes version: it's totally ludicrous that this is breaking news. This model fits every conventional standard of beauty except extreme thinness. in real life, she probably stops traffic. And I am guesstimating that she wears a combo of size 6 to 10,…
LOL "plus-sized." Riiiiiight.
And Trent was totes a dreamboat.
What in the Colonel Sanders happened to Ryan's face?
It's absolutely warranted. Even if we were a civilized society, I believe it's possible to willingly forfeit ones membership in it. And this guy clearly has. But....Honestly. We are not a civilized society. If we were, we wouldn't need laws prohibiting murder, rape, incest and a thousand other horribly inconceivable…
A guy once followed me and kept shoving his phone in my face demanding I give him my number. This went on for like five minutes of my walk. Eventually I grabbed it, went to the "mom" contact and threatened to call her. He hightailed it very quickly.
And he is bringing PUPPIES with him!
The McDonald's frappe is 85% as good as the Starbucks frappuccino. And about $2 cheaper, so I always go to McDonald's when I want one. In the future, I will whisper to myself (as I pay approximately $4.25), "but they are worthy."
"I will not live with the guilt of someone passing away."
Amen. She was criminally, absolutely, brilliantly insane. I wanted to be her. Ok not be her be her, but she really was awesome in a bad way if you get me.
I can't watch YouTube at work, but does it have something about how Gone Girl is clearly set in an alternate universe where allegations of rape are immediately taken on face value?
That's why I like men who aren't drab. If we are expected to go through the effort, they should too.
I have two Camelbak Eddy's (two different sizes) that I've put through hell and they still are in great shape. I've dropped them off of an ASV onto concrete and they haven't broken, not even a crack. Scratched to hell, but no leaks!
I have two Camelbak Eddy's (two different sizes) that I've put through hell and they still are in great shape. I've…
Camelbak Eddy all the way... it quite literally changed my life yo. Truly magnificent design and manufacturing.
Camelbak Eddy all the way... it quite literally changed my life yo. Truly magnificent design and manufacturing.