Oh, no, not at all! The rebuild is worlds better than the original series, and if I recall correctly, it's closer to how Sadamoto wanted it to be in the first place.
Oh, no, not at all! The rebuild is worlds better than the original series, and if I recall correctly, it's closer to how Sadamoto wanted it to be in the first place.
The only trickshots I pull with green shells is somehow nailing myself in the face with them all. =/
I really am surprised at how far I had to dig through the comments before I found civility. Thank you for posting this.
You're probably right. My equipment, like yours and almost all other men, can fit into all kinds of poses. Unless he has ball cancer, this is just a poorly executed display of "power". Spreading yourself out to make yourself look bigger is a behavior you can find all over the animal kingdom.
Nope, they sink! My dick floats though. ...I call it driftwood. *rimshot*
In MtG, it's about the card backing. Cards with gold borders (promotional) have different backs that make them illegal in tournaments. White and black borders don't have a bearing on a card's legality.
Wow, I don't think I could handle my mouse flying around that fast! Thank you for explainaing.
Wow, I don't think I could handle my mouse flying around that fast! Thank you for explainaing.
I've been using a Razer ProClick 1.6 for almost a decade now. It reads at 1600 dpi. Is there an appreciable difference between 1600 and 12000 dpi if I don't play twitchy shooters anymore?
I've been using a Razer ProClick 1.6 for almost a decade now. It reads at 1600 dpi. Is there an appreciable…
Thiiiiiis. Monaco was a snooze fest with these two several seconds out front the entire race.
I think that's the pillar Link caber-tosses to get to the Great Fairy in Hyrule Castle. He hauled that thing all the way to Death Mountain! Don't fuck with the guy who wears golden gauntlets.
I feel like newer Volkswagens have taken a huge step back in quality. I have a 2010 Passat Komfort 2.0T with the DSG, and aside from the very cool dash panel, I don't feel like you're getting much more on the 2015 than my 4 year old version (which I bought for 12k practically mint).
Admittedly this is probably only…
This is for people like ChromeOS users who can't install F.lux, but otherwise can use Chrome.
Given time, your pituitary gland will work to eliminate excessive cortisol in the blood. Consumption of black tea and fish oils are correlated with reduced cortisol levels as well. It doesn't "stick" like cholesterol plaque, but the physiological effects of being stressed out for so long may take a long time to heal.
"Ne ga" is the chinese (mandarin, I think) equivalent to "um" or "you know?" in English. It's basically filler and they say it all the damn time. It's hilarious for all the wrong reasons. =)
I bought a garment steamer and never looked back. You'll never make a bad crease or burn a shirt again. Seriously though, it's worth considering if you wear dress shirts all the time.
Get yourself an S80 with the 4.4L V8. No one will see it coming.
I think what you're seeing is just rust from the chain unspooling. If you watch the white marker on the chain, you can see it's coming out quite slowly.
The windlass (winch) by itself can't stop the tanker at that speed, the chain would snap like a stretched twizzler. They're probably applying as much braking to it as…