Do you think the Space X CCDev argument works for a company putting payloads into orbit, vs. companies offering suborbital space tourism? Blue Origin differs vs Virgin Galactic with the ability to scale to orbital.
Do you think the Space X CCDev argument works for a company putting payloads into orbit, vs. companies offering suborbital space tourism? Blue Origin differs vs Virgin Galactic with the ability to scale to orbital.
This is at least your second over-generalizing and stereotyping of NASCAR fans. You really should qualify your statements, or at least start them with “some.” Here’s an example to better improve your rhetorical writing style: “Some of us NASCAR fans are state-college educated, avocado toast eating, Prius driving,…
So, I had a 2015 Mustang EBPP with a manual, and I freaking loved it. Long story short, ended up in some SUVs, and I’m probably going to get one of these EB HiPos (as I’m going to call it). The absolute worst thing that you get from the car community is “WhY dIdN’t YoU gEt TeH Gt? Is It bEcAuSe YoU’rE a PoOr?” …
I think the “salami and cream cheese” bit is in reference to the late, great Seattle baseball announcer Dave Niehaus:“Break out the rye bread, it’s grand salami time!”