
I suspect that the majority of Voltron fandom - those who just enjoy the show for what it is without even being aware of the behind-the-scenes intricacies and debates - is not being “torn apart” quite so dramatically.

Obviously you only read IO9, the rest of Gizmodo is chock full of what Hotscot says. Don’t even go to theroot, you will be disappointed at the outright racism going on there.

On a similar vein, I’ve noticed a problematic conflation of critique and attack in recent times. A piece may make you mad, it may be something you disagree with, it may be innovative or tone deaf or poorly conceived or provocative. But none of that makes it an attack and there’s a faction of folks that are committed

I really hope no one tells Novak about The Man in the High Castle.

If you think we’re getting out of this grandiose fucking mess without blood being shed, you’re very, very wrong.

I’m confused. Is the outrage written into this article satire or genuine? I assumed it was satire, but was less sure towards the end.

Yep. Right here in Ohio crops wither and die on the vine because there are no immigrants to pick them. And all that fat white garbage screaming about them thar damn immergints takin’ er jobs are suddenly nowhere to be found.

I think the post credit scene is setting us up for a pretty significant time-jump for season 3.

The weapon the Man in Black uses is called the “Lemat Revolver”. It has two barrels. One that shoots regular pistol ammunition and a larger barrel that shoots a shot gun round.

Once the summer is over and the US farmers are ruined due to Trump’s trade war, there will be big problems in the USA. From a Canadian, you’re definitely in trouble. I see US produce and products just sitting on the shelves, with Canadians refusing to buy American.

Creating a burner account just to troll people who see things differently than you is a definite sign of being mentally unfit. I’d bet you’re a gun-owner, as well. Someone should forward your IP address to the appropriate authorities so you can get the help you need.

All of the top comments are by nazis. GMG / Kinja for some reason always ungrey the racists.

I’m pretty sure part of the business plan is to approve trolls in order to up the comment sections clicks/responses. Be more of an asshole/parrot/moron and you’ll quickly get out of the grays. Just head over to Faux News and copy/paste some talking points and viola! 

Who the fuck approved this asshole while Im stuck in the grays?

You think on an issue where a large majority of the public is against the President and Republicans on this, that this would somehow hurt the democrats?

Yeah...the Obama administration never separated children that came here with adults, unless there were clear signs of abuse, trafficking, or that the child wasn’t theirs. 

Please tell me the BBC will license this footage to be used in campaign ads this fall.

Not knowing anything about TDT before watching the movie I was surprised at the massive scale and scope of the story, I can see why they had trouble adapting it well, although I still enjoyed the movie and will probably read the books now because of it.

Kinda get the same feeling to. In Europe (as you) we don’t really care about orientation or gender, be whoever you want. As long as they are not shoved at our face. Which unfortunately is happening more and more often these days.

I discovered Assigned Male half a year ago. I have no connection to the intersex or LBGTQ community. I live in France, and I am a “white het-cis male” like they say. Since this webcomic is made by a french-canadian artist, it is produced both in french and english at the same time. I discovered it by friending a young