If you think we’re getting out of this grandiose fucking mess without blood being shed, you’re very, very wrong.
If you think we’re getting out of this grandiose fucking mess without blood being shed, you’re very, very wrong.
Yep. Right here in Ohio crops wither and die on the vine because there are no immigrants to pick them. And all that fat white garbage screaming about them thar damn immergints takin’ er jobs are suddenly nowhere to be found.
Once the summer is over and the US farmers are ruined due to Trump’s trade war, there will be big problems in the USA. From a Canadian, you’re definitely in trouble. I see US produce and products just sitting on the shelves, with Canadians refusing to buy American.
Look, as someone who was basically called Frankenstein behind her back, this irks me:
Whatever Jimmy. Dance with the Devil and you’re going to get burned. All these fools who thought Trump was a cute little novelty act and ratings gold should take some responsibility for the Frankenstein they created.
Supposedly it treats separation anxiety and a few other pet ailments.
Well I assume you mean with weed, because my dog has chronic rhinitis and is on a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory as well as regular old OTC Zyrtec.
Just the same. Unless she was racist, which everybody assumed because she complained about a child who has a few % of African genes. It wouldn’t cross the mind of anyone that it could be because of the noise, because of some mental disease, craziness, a riculous desire to feel important, or just bored. NO it has to be…
An old Chinese lady hit two cars multiple times a block from my house and I stopped her, called the SFPD, and asked them to send out someone who spoke Cantonese to make an accident report. They refused. If the SFPD showed up to cite an eight year old girl for selling water when they won’t respond to non-injury traffic…
And claims to have never gotten high. Motherfutckers like this need to be banned from the industry.
What are the odds that this woman would gush over white kids selling lemonade.
Yeah what a stupid thing to say. Who is the bad player? The bad player or the guy who dies to the bad player?
“Don’t limit me to 500 materials, please. My fear, if say they cap it at 500 across the board, you’re going to have a potential situation where a bad player is just spraying you, and you run out of materials.”
Does “lax bro” have a specific meaning or is the video’s narrator negligent about something or other?
bro how are you a video game journalist lmfao
No, it’s not just you and I live in another country, so...