All the Celtic accents first. Then everyone else. Brits sound smartest, but Celts sound more like you should curl up with them. Have no idea why.
All the Celtic accents first. Then everyone else. Brits sound smartest, but Celts sound more like you should curl up with them. Have no idea why.
I mean, you’re just absolutely wrong on Scottish but I’m Team Irish for sure.
1.) Irish
Definitely Irish. There are no other people who can deliver an insult with such beauty, poetry and loveliness. I knew a Dubliner in my sports group who could casually toss off a jibe so well that there was a good five-second delay before the other guy tried to punch him in the mouth.
1. Irish
I misheard Pumped Up Kicks as “faster than my puppy” for a really long time, until I decided it didn’t make sense, and looked up the lyrics.
There’s a whole genre of misheard lyrics. The lady in my life apparently thought ZZ Top’s iconic song was “People Love Bagels” for a many, many years.
I am singing it as “to take an oath” from now on.
my favorite kid mishearing—Dirt Off Your Shoulder: “if you’re feeling like a pancake, go and brush your shoulders off”
Eons ago, I knew a three year old who would warble “Welax, don’t do it, when you wanna comb.”
I used to think Kidz Bop (or as I thought it was called: Kid Bopz) was ridiculous until my 6 year old niece started singing “Bad Romance” “I want your ugly/I want your *your bad peas”
El Sea Otter? Wow. Just wow. And this is coming from a woman who bemusedly pondered naming a daughter “Anna Claire” (an eclair). (It was a boy.)
Well, then, if inflammation is the worst enemy, let’s start handing out prednisone. Moon face for everyone!
My kids will understand science, so a bunch of big scary words on a formula can won’t scare them.
Where did you get your info that the benefits of breastfeeding are substantial? Because new, more rigorous research contends that that is not the case:… This study suggests that many of the benefits that have been attributed to breastfeeding may actually be attributable to…
“Breast milk may be marginally better than formula but it’s not a magical unicorn.”
I’m with you. I don’t believe anyone who tells me they have diabetes. Any insulin dependent diabetes? What a crock! I just don’t bother arguing anymore. The human body works perfectly 100% of the time, and no one has ever had a life experience different than mine.
That hasn’t been the case for me. I’m a lousy pumper. Some days, I supplement with formula and then some days I don’t, all depends on what I’ve got going on. This has not created a supply problem for me. I wouldn’t pat yourself on the back for not judging, especially when you said you “don’t believe” women who say…