
All the Celtic accents first. Then everyone else. Brits sound smartest, but Celts sound more like you should curl up with them. Have no idea why.

I mean, you’re just absolutely wrong on Scottish but I’m Team Irish for sure.

1.) Irish

You are a hero.

Definitely Irish. There are no other people who can deliver an insult with such beauty, poetry and loveliness. I knew a Dubliner in my sports group who could casually toss off a jibe so well that there was a good five-second delay before the other guy tried to punch him in the mouth.

1. Irish

I misheard Pumped Up Kicks as “faster than my puppy” for a really long time, until I decided it didn’t make sense, and looked up the lyrics.


There’s a whole genre of misheard lyrics. The lady in my life apparently thought ZZ Top’s iconic song was “People Love Bagels” for a many, many years.

I am singing it as “to take an oath” from now on.

my favorite kid mishearing—Dirt Off Your Shoulder: “if you’re feeling like a pancake, go and brush your shoulders off”

Eons ago, I knew a three year old who would warble “Welax, don’t do it, when you wanna comb.”

I used to think Kidz Bop (or as I thought it was called: Kid Bopz) was ridiculous until my 6 year old niece started singing “Bad Romance” “I want your ugly/I want your *your bad peas

El Sea Otter? Wow. Just wow. And this is coming from a woman who bemusedly pondered naming a daughter “Anna Claire” (an eclair). (It was a boy.)

Well, then, if inflammation is the worst enemy, let’s start handing out prednisone. Moon face for everyone!

My kids will understand science, so a bunch of big scary words on a formula can won’t scare them.

Where did you get your info that the benefits of breastfeeding are substantial? Because new, more rigorous research contends that that is not the case:… This study suggests that many of the benefits that have been attributed to breastfeeding may actually be attributable to

“Breast milk may be marginally better than formula but it’s not a magical unicorn.”

I’m with you. I don’t believe anyone who tells me they have diabetes. Any insulin dependent diabetes? What a crock! I just don’t bother arguing anymore. The human body works perfectly 100% of the time, and no one has ever had a life experience different than mine.

That hasn’t been the case for me. I’m a lousy pumper. Some days, I supplement with formula and then some days I don’t, all depends on what I’ve got going on. This has not created a supply problem for me. I wouldn’t pat yourself on the back for not judging, especially when you said you “don’t believe” women who say