
Well said author!

Unfortunetly you are right. Excel is the only MS app I still use regularly.

Windows is estimated to be running on 79% of the computers in the world and OS X on 18%

The application you are refering to is called Pages, it kicks the ass out of Word, not to mention that it syncs with icloud and all of my computers and idevices wirelessly.

Also of interest, Google paid Apple 1billion to be the search default on ios.

This is like saying that you are never featuring a story from Engadget because most of their articles are crap. How about you do you're job and actually read what the article/kickstarter project is about and whether the credentials/business plan are there to back it up and then make a case by case decision? Would that

Whatever happened to your top ten reasons why I should quit facebook?

I've been looking for a better tablet than the ipad3 or a better laptop than the macbook air, and just haven't found one. They must be at the cutting edge of something..

Agreed! But I would also add spiting in their face!

Monthly plans are the reason you are looking for.

Real-Life Examples Of How Google’s "Search Plus" Pushes Google+ Over Relevancy

Rather, in this case, if you can't read a entire article without despair, you're a sucker.

People often comment how such and such tech site (Engadget, Gizmodo, Wired, etc) are run by apple fan boys. But maybe it's time for us to realise that there's a reason why all these tech professionals swear by apple products. It's simple realy: Apple products rock!

"Google began promoting its own products in search over more obviously relevant ones. It placed Google+ profiles above those that are obviously more relevant on other social networks. Its Places frequently appear above the actual location listings."

Made me think of this.

This 50$ charger isnt made by Apple, it is sold by Innergie, and only usefull for those who want extra powerfull charging during super intenssive usage.

And if by thought you mean: "Space consuming inpractical to navigate disk library", then I totally agree. But holding on to physical media is like like holding onto your penis after you've finished peeing, it serves no purpose and makes you look like you're still 4 years old.

Having traveled the world, I can assure you that this is absolutely not true.

Oh, I never implied a Intel vs Mac conflict, what I meant is that Intel needs to keep the entire industry healthy (because as you mentioned they are in every PC) but the fact that the industry is under-performing is largely attributed to PC makers inability to keep up and compete with the macbook air. Which too me is

Gizmodo wrote a bunch of articles about Intels heavy investments in order to prop up the dwindelling pc market, the macbook`s success is largelly responssible for that.