
Intel invested 300 million in order compete with the macbook air to prevent the dwindeling pc market from totally collapsing.

don`t forget macbook air which are hands down the best laptop in the industry. (which is why Intel spent 100`s of millions helping the other big pc makers develop ultrabooks, so that their industry wouldnt implode under the weight of their shitty laptops. Oh I would also mention imac`s which with their all in one

What federal government have you visited? Calls to privatize federal services have led us to out source vast amounts of infrastructure to the private sector, because they are more 'efficient' not to mention have executives that make seven digit salaries which is a great use of our tax dollars.

Fuck, I spent the last couple of years living by the modo "A steak a day, keeps the doctor away."

Well actually Apple Engineers design the screen, which means they patented it, they determined the optimal means of layering pixels and power grid. Samsung, takes their specifications and builds it for them, they cannot however use the exact same apple created design for one of their own products without licensing

Bioengineering humans could solve a whole bunch of problems, or so thought our alien overlords...

Depending on what they are protesting and what their signs say, I agree.

He says so in the last sentence:

Consumerism: Willingly waiting 4 days in line to purchase a 500$ toy, while not willing to protest 4 hours to defend your fundemental democratic rights and liberties.

"People WILL NOT be taking pictures with the iPad"

You forgot the social reasons such as bonding, mate finding and social structure enforcement.

Grooming is something animals do a whole lot of.

Connect my laptop to my TV? Is this 2005?

Solitaire and the 6 other bullshit games that came on W7 could not be deleted in this method. One needs to go into permissions and deal with a bunch of crap. This is pure bullshit.

I can either plug a bulky/unsightly 1000$ laptop in my tv or plug a small/discreet remote controlled 100$ device into my tv. Which one do you think I'm going to do?

The lightning activates nearby photons which make the light beam detectable by camera.

You know the arguments flaky when it's chief proponent is the riaa.

1) Actually they hold much less than that.

1) Actually they hold much less than that.

If you think 300 nukes inst sufficient to whip-out all of Iran, North Korea, China and Russia you need to seriously review your understanding of the Atomic Weapon.