
@Alex Jones: rolling over and 'getting over it' is exactly why your country has a 30GB cap.

You don't play ninja... You are ninja!

I like to support Canadian companies, but the last time Rim innovated was when they came out with their scroll-ball 12 years ago! Their products are pure crap, I ain't ever going back!

These draconian consumer alienating measures is exactly why I keep my server seeding 800 Kbps every second of every day.

Here's a radical solution: Fine all companies who employ illegal immigrants! Or better yet, raise our kids to value hard work so that they stop playing video games and actually go out to get jobs. (if there were no jobs available for illegal immigrants they wouldnt come here!)

This reminds me of a professor who would chastise me for eating in class. I had 3 mandatory classes in a row that didn't give me the time to eat between classes. One day during one of his regular reprimands I finally snapped and told him that as long as he was receiving his checks in the mail he should stick to

@Pablo Garcia: Once you borrow money from anyone it becomes your responsibility, thus yours. If you want to spend it on gambling, partying or an education is really up to you. And not anyone's business.

@gla2yyz: I think this suit has more to do with Top Gear pretending that the roadster ran out of juice after 55 miles, when indeed it hadn't. But I'm sure you don't care, as you don't seem to be the type to get caught up with the truth.

@gla2yyz: I think this suit has more to do with Top Gear pretending that the roadster ran out of juice after 55 miles, when indeed it hadn't. But I'm sure you don't care, as you don't seem to be the type to get caught up with the truth.

You are both right and wrong. But mostly wrong. Mainly because stats and inventory management make us think and slow down role playing games, this is a good thing. PS: Mass Effect 2 is as much an RPG as FF13 (not very good ones).

@FlyingAvocado: It is made for fighting large fires (forest, etc) not relatively small (building size) extremely hot fires.

@BoscoH: There is no 'declaration of surrender' you're just being defensive.

The only spec I really care about is battery life, because without it, your basically holding onto a brick.

And I should trust these people to tell me about world affairs?

@panikt: Average American school year: 170 days. Average European and Asian school years: 220 days. And we wonder why our national IQ is the lowest in the G8...

@Arcane: Secretary: Mr President, John Rockefeller has been hiding under your desk since you took office, hadn't' you noticed him whispering instructions to you?