
@Cochese 2.0: Your parents replaced your mouse a couple of time because they didn't have the courage to teach you about death. Get over it.

'Vox Populi Vox Dei'

Apple doesn't make a computer with those specs.

@dyowell: While I'm sure some appreciate you attempting to justify the terrible waste and suffrage you commit upon our planet. I don't, so please find another job.

American industry: Keeping the rest of the world down, one chemical weapon at a time.

"I'm really not at all an Apple macolyte type, but it's like supporting the Yankees or the Steelers: it guarantees an endless supply of rival fans' misfortune and disappointment to take smug pleasure in."

"I'm really not at all an Apple macolyte type, but it's like supporting the Yankees or the Steelers: it guarantees an endless supply of rival fans' misfortune and disappointment to take smug pleasure in."

@LastGunslinger: The average american will contribute less than 500k to his countries economy, so the math is pretty simple if you're so inclined. But more importantly, there are better ways of dealing with entrenched enemy combatants.

@aec007: I've never heard of a country blaming us for allowing their human rights to be violated... I do however know of many instances where we've been blamed for blowing up their villages. Just sayin' ...

@alwaysanswera: "Over the past 25 years, a considerable body of scientific evidence in support of female choice has accumulated. Females actively choose their mates in a large variety of species—particularly ones in which males are less aggressive and display individual differences in secondary sexual characteristics,

@CaffeineNicoteneVodka: While I agree with you. You should also keep into account that boys aren't just socialized to be more sexually indiscriminate than girls, they are genetically predisposed to be sexually indiscriminate. Females do the choosing, we just spray and pray.

I nominate this this article for best comments of the day!

@Mark 2000: Yes, there are millions of ways to cover your face, however there aren't to many of them that are also functional in multiple other situations. The Keffiyeh is an excellent multipurpose scarf. Take off the goggles and expand your horizon beyond the visual (I know that your TV culture makes that hard, so I

@calidude: 1) They did express something, while it might not have been what you wanted (they certainly got more attention for it). 2) "Remember, we're dealing with simplistic, childish liberal thinking here." You don't know that. The artist might very well have wanted to keep his message simple (so as to be understood

@calidude: 1)What made you believe that I care about the piece's originality? I certainly didn't express as much in my previous posts. 2) How do you know "that Soldiers dying for Halliburton's profits is not much different than workers dying in the Triangle Shirtwaist fire in the minds of these collectivist

@calidude: I didn't know that the Western education system's goal was to promote any kind of creativity or discourse (as dumbed down as it might be)

@Mark 2000: Yes, you've tactfully demonstrated that you (and calidude) understand art on a deeper level than most. Unfortunately you live in a country were your masses are limited by their poor education levels to the 'no blood for oil' type arguments/art. We get it, you're upset.

@calidude: You're using a very myopic view of art and it's relevance to the observer. 1)No one said it was original. (But as far as I know, 'lack of originality was not the reason for any of the controvery) 2) There is a big difference between being against capitalism and being against the capitalism of war, and while

@Renzo: "the Koran explicitly tells its followers to kill all non Muslims unless they are your slaves, in which case you can still kill them if they don't convert. "