
@JBaker1225: 'Censorship, Act of changing or suppressing speech or writing that is considered subversive of the common good.' I didn't see anything about ownership rights in that definition, did you?

@Mark 2000: Wearing a scarf and wanting to be anonymous online is 'dressing like Hamas'? Really?!

@calidude: The fact that they equate war with capitalism might not so much mean that they are against capitalism, but rather against the capitalization of war. I suspect that your frustration stems from jealousy at your inability to express yourself (as your long winded post suggests you enjoy) through a medium that

@xaronax: "Honestly, I wouldn't use an iPad if it was free" You not ever having used an iPad goes a long way in explaining your utter contempt for the product... I don't know a lot of people who wouldn't want one in their kitchen next to the recipe books or in the living room during commercials. Just saying...

@Commisar: I Hate religion? Where did you get that?! Have they stopped teaching basic reading in Sunday school? I don't believe in mixing church and state if that's what you mean. Having studied a bit of history I know how pretty theocracies can get :) PS: Religion is not the only avenue for the development of ones

@DeadlyForceInstructor: How do you know that? Oh I see, you're projecting... How very crude to assume that everyone in the world is just as ignorant, selfish and violent as American's. Haven't you heard? The rest of the world has decided to focus their resources on longer school years, universal health care and

@Roadblockx: If by special interest groups we're also including the religious right and military industrial complex, I'm totally with you. However, special interest groups that promote human rights and equality (and not financial interests) are what make us better than China. Without these organizations to stand up

We only killed Pluto, so that Nibiru (planet X) would not be taken seriously due to it's size when it does re-enter the solar system.

@ImInBoston: While it might be upsetting to many, divulging the war crimes your government is committing in the name of it's people is not only interesting, it's vital to our ability to maintain free and democratic societies.

@The Lab: I know what you mean, I've set myself a 15 minute per puzzle clock, if it takes me more than 15 minutes to advance in the quest I pull up the walkthrough (still beats having to wait till the next day to ask your friends at recess)

@PigMonger: While your comment is obviously moronic, it does highlight the fact that our societies should spend more money on improving the condition of our disenfranchised (who often become criminals) instead of on reactionary policing.

Down with China!

@SGTalon: You are right, you have the best health care in the world, which is why you live so long. Oh wait that's not true...

@SGTalon: Again, see the 'rich benefit from private and the masses benefit from public services argument'

@SGTalon: You're right private insurance is a much better concept than public health care, I would much rather my $ go to corporate bonuses instead of being used to provide our disenfranchised with assistance. What was I thinking? Your system is clearly better! (as proven by you great life expectancy)

@Greenfire63: Not my Prime Minister (it was the PM of one of our smallest provinces). Please see: 'the wealthy definitely benefit more from an American style private health care, while the masses (aka the majority) benefit more (as our life expectancy proves) from public health care' argument I made earlier.

@PHXPhoto: Good point. However we do have burgers in Canada as well. I would suggest pointing the finger at your rampant gun culture and abysmal medical check-up rates.

@Canoehead: I really don't care, the bottom line is that we spend less per capita than the US and live longer (82 vs 79), simple math speaks for itself.

@SGTalon: If no one is denied treatment why is your life expectancy so low? Ps: no offense, but if Your welfare cousin makes more money than you, you're probably not very good at working...

@Canoehead: Sounds nightly close to a Palin "death panel" argument lol. When the government funds health care there are waiting lists just like in a private system. The only difference is that the rich don't get to skip ahead.