
@SGTalon: Your previous posts suggested you beleived Americans could best transform rags to riches. You not understamding basic concepts like social mobility explains your erroneous belief.

@SGTalon: False, universities have limited openings, and limited available grants. Being wealthy significantly improves your acces to education. Unless ofcourse you consider highschools to be worthy of the term...

@Canoehead: No amount of rationalizing (as poor as yours might be) can disprove basic facts. Your life expectancy is the lowest in the G8. Don't you want to fix it and improve?

@SGTalon: Individual examples have no place in a discussion about internationally documented facts. I suggest you read something, preferably not a magazine...

@jepzilla: I'm sorry, I was trying to highlight the idiocity of spending on Gatling guns when your people have ridiculous literacy and life expectancy rates. I guess I should mind my business as no one wants to hear it, I didn't mean to start a flame war, I should have known better, sorry.

@PHXPhoto: You do understand that articles are written about the rich and famous and not average citizens. All the articles of the world cannot discredit the fact that your life expectancy is the lowest in the G8.

@Greenfire63: the elites of plenty of countries run to the US for superior health care because they can afford it. But the average American's insurance will never pay for those 5* doctors. The health services your average American receives is the worse in the developed world, thus your short life spans.

@cody2000: The USSR imploded because of their excessive military spending. Lol, You didn't bomb them into surrender..

@NorwoodIsMyHero: You are aware of the fact that the cold war ended 20 years ago right?

@The K Gee19: You don't want health care? are you sure? Might want to give it a try as you are currently spending the most $ per capita on health of any OECD country and have the lowest life expectancy of the G20 (79 years).

@The K Gee19: Sure you can speak, but due to your letting corporate interests circumvent your electoral process, nobody pays attention to your disenfranchised... And while many of you do speak up about injustices, the vast majority don't pay attention due to their having the lowest literacy rate of the G8.

@rtwod2: Actually a 2005 New York Times series on income mobility shows that the United States ranks second to last among the G8 in social mobility. I'm sorry to bash your hopes and dreams, but if you're poor in the USA the odds of your kids growing out of poverty are the second lowest of the developed world...

@Canoehead: I live in Canada and have free health care and very affordable education, I was trying to give voice to the millions of American's who you've selfishly left in the dust... Never mind your probably too preoccupied with reality TV to care about what I was expressing...

So my kids aren't getting health care or an affordable education, but we can now attack more people from farther away.. And I thought we were misguided...

@Bramsey89: 7 of those 9 articles I thought were great.

@blyan is nominal too?: While I usually agree (which is why I also abstained from round 1). After a year of having your ipad you could sell it online for 80% of what you paid, (Apple products have the highest resale value of the industry - Gartner analysis) meaning you'd have paid roughly 100$ to have an ipad for a

iphone jack. You connect your ipad to your iphone and it becomes ifuckingasweome!


@Dreamwriter: You've clearly not read a single one of the leaked documents as all sensitive names have been blacked out. Do you lie because you're uniformed or because you're stupid? I'm going to bet on both!

@tmw: Yes, I expect government failure and lies to be brought to light by an independent press. Which btw, is a critical requirement in order for a democracy to function. Do you not enjoy democracy?