
@screemname: Too me the post says, "I'm young and frustrated by the state of the world you've left my generation, I'm not really sure if and how it can be fixed, but I'll do my dam-best to help bring it down..." In his defense: Neo-liberals invented the concept of 'Creative destruction' his generation are now just

@tmw: You don't seem to understand the difference between a private business and a government run for the people...

@chumleyex: Because theres a good chance he'll be assassinated by weeks end...

@Col1: Yes quality of life is measured, (through life expectancy, child mortality rates, literacy rates, etc..) People smarter than you or I created an index, it's called the Human Development Index. (Did you not read my posts?) You are right that the difference between 1st and 12th isn't huge (it's just enough of a

@Col1: Really? Where did you get that fact? I'm really curious, because a 2005 New York Times series on income mobility shows that the United States ranks second to last among the G8 in social mobility.

@Col1: Who said anything about the elites controlling US citizen's? What I said was that they control the atrocious foreign policy for which your country is hated. This isn't a secret, in fact most American's can't even name the 7 continents let alone decide what country to invade, your citizens certainly can't be

@Col1: LOL, those "questionable things" your government does are not on your behalf. They are on behalf of your wealthy elite. The fact is that there are plenty of countries with much higher Human Development Index's than the USA and that have not participated in a fraction of the "questionable things" your

Kind of like when in 2003 my universities engineering team won the electric car race, and one of the sponsors gave the team $5 million to buy the patent and bury it in a vault.

New software needs to be installed?

@H.R.Pufnstuf: When you mean "the rest of the world lets their druggies rot in the streets" do you mean: 'They let them be productive members of society like most casual drug users are?' or are you refering to the minority of crack heads in order to justify a judiary systems systemic incarceration of it's population?

I thought gold was the standard because it's what our alien master's require in order to produce their ultimate super conductors...

I thought gold was the standard because it's what our alien master's require in order to produce their ultimate super conductors...

@DebosBike: BTW: Incarceration rates in the United States have more to do with Corrections Corporation of America (powerful private prison lobby) pressuring congress to put every colored teenager under the sun in jail, than with any semblance of justice.

@DebosBike: Interesting point of view, unfortunately not an adequate depiction of Cuban society. Having been to Latin America 10+ times I am very familiar with local and institutional corruption in various countries. I can also assure you that bribes and payoffs are almost unheard of in Cuba (trust me I've tried).

The Unites States of America has by far the highest incarceration rate in the world (0.75%). Much higher than dictatorships like Cuba or even Saudi Arabia.

@jd: It very much is apolitical, there is never any political squabeling over nominee's. The Federal Reserve has the support of both parties, just like any big business.

@siloxr: Maybe we weren't suppose to have an end game...

@Rhodizzle: This just in: Direct correlation uncovered between criminal behavior and assloads of money!