
I just love that they get to be themselves there in a way that they never can be at Leoch or France or any other place. It truly is home for them

I will give credit to the show- the scene with Jamie and the baby were much more powerful in the show versus the book given the order of events. Jamie rocking and chatting with Jenny's baby was such a beautifully sad scene for the fact that he never even got to hold his own child.

That was absurd and angering. Jesus, that's what you expect from networks who are slaves of commercials, not pay cable. People pay premium for this, NO reason to do that when people pay for commercial free entertainment.

She's been promising a Master Raymond short story or novel since forever, I feel like I once read a snippet she posted. THAT'S what I've been waiting for.

On the note of this episode. I wish we got more time at Lallybroch. GOD, I loved those domestic homey scenes….

So… I should be doing my thesis on Irish republicanism right now, but I just wanted to propose an historical interjection on this episode that came to mind after watching this episode.

As much as it seems her remarks about fanfiction seemed bizarre at the time in view of the recent trend of taking fanfic and filing the serial numbers off to make "original novels" (*cough* plagiarism *cough*) have given rise to said authors making lots of money (Stepenie Meyer and Cassandra Clare- looking at you) off

All the attention usually goes on Terry's creations for Claire but her men's fashion on Jamie has been above and beyond this season

I've been thinking about it in the back of my head. I like the opening scene in juxtapose with the rest of the episode. Its a good way of showing us exactly why it was so imperative and important for Jamie to make sure Claire did not die with him at Cullodon knowing how much she wanted a child.

Honestly, there aren't that many great unaired pilots out there. Pilot season is a lot of throwing stuff against the wall and seeing what sticks and networks have a lot of holes in their schedule to fill. I am a firm believer that if it didn't get picked up it probably wasn't that good.

I loved that. Elaborate coronation now let's kill- well, maybe we should have killed them first.

It was the child. They shoot in Scotland and that was probably the best they could coax out of the kid for the one scene

Yeah and there's a lot of that annoying "I blame you even though you have a completely justifiable reason for not having been in my life but I'm none the less going to throw it in your face as if you purposefully left."

Agree but its more understandable and she's much younger in those stories. It's a different matter when she's in her 20's.

I noticed that too I think they used the same musical cue as well. It also did a good job at solidifying their marriage even more than her initial decision to stay with him which you can argue was her choosing the blush and excitement of newness more than anything else.


This sounds awful but I thought that was more the bad child actor they hired more than anything "What, kind. of. bird. is. that?" Granted the girl was probably just trying so hard to do the accent and say her lines right.

I loved that, like just because he's the king- not just any king an absolute monarch- doesn't make him a good lay.

Also, looking again at that opening scene- Claire in 1955 is still wearing both rings. she never took Jamie's ring off, harkening
to the bit later on when the king comments on her still wearing Frank's ring and her loyalty