
So, late to the party but I don't know if anyone has said it: is this the first time the show has ever said the actual phrase "women's lib"? It's sort of telling that the hail Mary play Joan takes is to finally acquiesce herself to that camp when she's spent the last 10 years of her life gleefully in the "empowered

Anyone else love that look on Gellis's face when Jamie burst into the courtroom looking like he rode like the devil to get there and save Claire regardless of consequences… but she realized Dougal who was with him choose not to. I thought that was one of her main reasons for saving Claire in that moment

I still watch "Teenage Crime Wave" every Thanksgiving. It's quite possibly the best Thanksgiving movie ever made. :P

"…I accuse my parents!"
And we have the title of the movie everybody! Congratulations!

Thank you! I was desperate to know the original redic 80's music that went with that originally!

I concur. Roger and (sadly) Bree are boring characters (to me) but that kid actor was aggressively cute.

Isn't one of the suppositions of how the Victorian mores came about because Victoria and her mother were so against the bawdy lifestyle King WIlliam IV and disgusted by it?

Honestly, I'm shocked the reviewer didn't note the second best scene (after the waulking scene)

I give her a pass only because dates are annoying and even the best history buffs have trouble remembering them or placing when people would have started really being affected by them. She knew that the uprising was in '45 but being placed in '42 it's hard for a person to realize the seeds would be sewing then.

I concur. Claire is missing out on the post war "back to the kitchen" rush that started in the western world after WW2. When she left pre-war, and during the war things were actually not too bad. I, personally believe, that one of the many atrocities committed by the so called 'greatest generation' was their obsession

I don't mind creative license in historical dramas as long as the creative license indeed helps make it a better story on screen. The problem is the licenses these particular writers made in Turn made the story LESS interesting. You had gold material but it was placed in the hands of a sup par writer. (I've noted in a

Sigh, the scenes with Washington, Tallmadge, and Stephen Root stole the episode along with all the stuff with Andre.

Turn suffers from a problem a lot of historical dramas suffer from. It knows how things happened and when, it knows when something happened, and it may have a generalized statement in a textbook that it lazily gives as a line to a character petrified the audience is too stupid to have also gone to high school and

I really want to love this show. I'm the audience for an insightful drama about the Revolutionary War. The subject matter is so meaty… but…