Sunshine Supercars

25th anniversary Miata.

... then the spiders eat your face.

What ridiculous nonsense are you talking?

I should personally mail a trout to Mitsubishi Motors North America with a note that says, "Please pass this trout around the office and slap yourselves with it. Love, Stef."

One more ... BWIA.

You're missing a few classics, like the last Concorde ...

Florida is left lane to pass. Illinois, Ohio, Georgia, etc. are left lane to pass, or were when I held licenses there and had to take the little test. Most people BELIEVE that they are "allowed" to tool around in the left lane, but in most states, I think the law is move right after the pass.

Well played, sir.

Or BMW, that pumps fake noise into their M cars now.

Perfect timing! I'm in the market for a beater as we speak!!

Some more than others, and it depends how you look at it. Honda's new Valkyrie has a better power/weight than a $100K , for example, costs less than 1/5 as much, and gets about 50% better fuel economy.

Go into a Fortune 500 company and tell them they can save 80% of the initial cost of a piece of equipment, then tell

Depends on the bike. A big cruiser (think HD Electra Glide or Kawasaki Vulcan) can have a .6 drag cd with a decently large frontal area. That's like, way bad.

How did you miss this one!??

HA! I like that, too!

Not enough Exige made it into the US.


That's me!

With a rake/trail like that, don't expect much in the way of "super" handling.

Meh. I already look like that.

No airbags in the future?