Jezebel is pro-Hillary and Gawker is pro-Bernie, so it’s a wash.
Jezebel is pro-Hillary and Gawker is pro-Bernie, so it’s a wash.
I don’t think Kim is trying to be leader of the U.S. Maybe HRC deserves a little more scrutiny than some vapid celebrity?
Right... people only criticize her because of Republican talking points. Not because of, say, her close connections to Wall St., past support of devastating free trade, willingness to play fast and loose with the historical record, participation in a military coup against a left wing democracy, and general…
No, we who feel the bern accept this apology as sincere and heartfelt. She shouldn’t have said it, she admitted it, it’s forgiven.
This apology doesn’t explain why she said such a thing in the first place. How long has she believed the Reagan’s brought about a “national conversation on AIDS’? How did she come to that belief?
Personally, I’d be pretty fucking charmed by a presidential candidate who cut through the bullshit like that, but obviously it’d never be a clinton.
As others have said, she just didn’t need to bring up AIDS at all. It was shockingly tone deaf/ignorant and really weird. Just worrisome.
Uh-huh. As a queer person who is reluctantly supporting Hillary, at least from my perspective, you’re not helping your cause by ridiculing us here. You’re actually helping feed the narrative — which has enough evidence going for it on its own — that Hillary doesn’t like LGBT people or care about our issues.
Opposing Hillary is not the equivalent of supporting Republican talking points.
Okay. But she could have avoided calling attention to one of the most profoundly evil legacies of the Reagans and claiming it as one of their good points.
If this story doesn’t just blow over, all Manning needs to do to quash it is sit down with a friendly reporter and tell his side of the story—the side where he was just just a cocky, jerkoff kid who didn’t understand the way the world really worked (hey, haven’t we all been there?) but through the years and the grace…
Coming to Netflix this summer, Lockhart Steele IS “The Reviewer.”
That thought process is the exact reason I will not caucus for Sanders tomorrow. If the type of support he attracts thinks that way, I wonder about the underlining tone of his campaign.
Saying that no one is voting for Hillary because she is a woman is either dishonest or willfully ignorant
What a ridiculous way of coming to an important decision. Everyone can agree that there are people with gross thought processes supporting every single candidate. But only supporters of Bernie can have the particular thought process that turned you off, because a female cannot “overcome her gender” and vote for a…
There are nasty, horrible supporters on both sides, and caring reasonable ones, too. I hope you end up supporting Hillary because you like her, but not because of some bad apples like that guy. Of course, it’s your vote, and you can do what you want with it, but you have to admit that’s not a good rrason to vote for…
Or... regardless of how Hillary fans, Lena Dunham, Madeleine Albright, and Gloria Steinem think she should vote.
what if... that were the obvious point of this essay
I hate the “supporting other women” narrative applied to this situation. It’s such bullshit. Older feminists I know have been baffled when I tell them I prefer Bernie. They ask “But don’t you want a female president? That would be huge for us!” How insulting is that? To me and to Hillary, reducing both of us to our…