step 1, believe he has aphasia
step 2, believe that aphasia causes people to say racist things
step 3, believe he is the real victim here
step 1, believe he has aphasia
step 2, believe that aphasia causes people to say racist things
step 3, believe he is the real victim here
Imma steal this pic and you can’t stop me, coppers.
Mayo Raisin McGillicuddy
Unless these girls names are “Moist Cunt” or “Non Seasoned Chicken”, then he needs to gtfo.
“On Facebook, someone identifying himself as one of the announcer’s family members said the man, who is in his 80s, recently suffered a stroke, reports the Washington Post.
I used to think that maybe an idiot who says something this stupid deserves forgiveness and maybe he can learn to be a human being after this incident. Not anymore. This crap is on him. We are three years in to this disaster of a Presidency and all of the racists that support him and his casual cruelty need to at…
Well, you see, he said “white powder,” after his favorite Columbian dancing powder. 😉
OK...he has a pass to say that word, sure sure, but can he explain pairing it with “White power”?
It’s gross, right? I’d pity him if he weren’t trying so hard to completely imitate him as a hateful waste of life. It’s actually quite grotesque to watch in real time.
It’s pathetic how desperate he is for daddy to care about him. I can’t wait for when Mueller gets his hooks in Jr. and Donnie calls him a “low-level coffee son” during a 4 AM Twitter binge.
Only people that mention President Barack Obama as half-white, are white people who need to convince themselves he’s an acceptable black man. He’s not racially ambiguous in looks or identity. The story of John Henry losses it’s depth if he isn’t US-black, African-American, or whatever form of black former slave you…
Damn, you really missed the mark and the point, and took so many words to do so.
Now that colorism and whitewashing is affecting black men, watch how niggas are about to be OUTRAGED.
I don’t know if he ever actually played the role before, but in my mind’s eye, John Henry always looked like Michael Clarke Duncan.
Florida has a history of serial killer cops. Look up Gerard John Schaefer Jr some night when you don’t feel like sleeping.
These mofos had a serial killer on their force and all they could do was let him go find a job in another town? (Yeah we don’t have any bodies so we can’t say per se dude’s a serial killer but then nobody really looked did they? They should start like right now.)
The towing company told Williams’ family that the car was called in by Deputy Caulkins, who initially told dispatchers that he found the car abandoned in a cemetery, CNN reports.
Within four months of each other, two men vanished into thin air. Both disappearances happened in Naples, Fla. Both…
Because when you’re a white-collar scumbag, you need a scumbag lawyer to cover shit up for you. Problem is, if you’re gonna retain a scumbag as legal counsel, you should have enough sense to appease that scumbag instead of treating that scumbag like...well, a scumbag. Otherwise, don’t be surprised when your scumbag…