
I’m only peripherally aware of Grande, but, “I am not a babysitter or a mother and no woman should feel that they need to be...Shaming / blaming women for a man’s ability to keep his shit together is a very major problem,” is some Phd level adulthood. I applaud her for having this insight so young. I truly hope the

People didn’t stop ripping Amy Winehouse apart for her struggles until that documentary came out and they straight up saw footage of her shitty father and shitty husband interfering with her recovery (and getting her hooked in the first place) for their own personal gains.

From what I understand, she dumped him because of his drug use.

For women to be good partners we must be a lover, a mother, a therapist, a life coach, a best friend, a maid, a nurse, a personal chef. Men just have to show up and try not to hit us and even then sometimes we are supposed to give them a pass if its a particularly rough time for him. The bar is so low with men. I know

I remember Mary Kate Olsen maybe? getting blamed for Heath Ledger’s death. 

And the fact is, even if he was a teetotaller until she left him and then went on the mother of all binges and died, that’s on him. Him. Him. HIM.

Williams got a heap of shit for Ledger’s passing. Never mind that they’d been separated for nearly a year when he died, or that she was trying to protect her daughter. Or that he was a GROWN ASS MAN. 

I fully remember the Cobain fallout: here in Seattle there’s a troll who ran a show on public access for YEARS called Kurt Cobain Was Murdered. He makes Alex Jones seem like a pinnacle of reason and thoughtfulness.

Kind of like how people are shaming Jennifer Garner for helping Ben get into rehab.  It’s a lose-lose.

The perception that women are supposed to be their male partner’s therapist and emotional support, to the detriment of their own well-being, is pervasive. It’s why, more often than not, you see a lot of tv and film with the psychologist characters played by women - and they often deal with fairly trash men (or worse

It’s a Rorschach Test.

Ariana should find a quiet spot in the world to escape to ASAP after her eventual break-up with Pete Davidson. Because if he spirals out any time following, she is going to need to be far away from anywhere with an internet connection.

Women who overdose, however, are trash. Obviously. 

My ex said I abandoned him. I watched him slowly kill himself, and would wake up every morning wondering if he would be breathing when I went to check on him. Then when he did get sober, he suddenly had all kinds of issues with who I was as a person.

The people who like to accuse women of being a ball and chain, of leaving men whipped, of being ball-busters...are usually the same ones who in the same breath will accuse women of not doing enough to care for or protect men. Same misogyny, different applications. 


Well I mean, America is the world police. If we don’t help them, who will?

Especially someone from MA, who could say “Burn Trump!” and not be ostracized from her neighbors, when WVa has to probably consider that her life might be in danger if she talks too much shit. 

I had the pleasure of working with Emily for a few months. She is fantastic and has certainly used her platform to bring relevant issues forth. I was impressed with her then, even more so now. Get it, Em!