
I love how George looks like he is having a great time dodging those shoes.


What is wrong with people? Grande is likely grieving someone she once loved and people are blaming her for his death. That’s so disgusting. We need to collectively go to our rooms and think about what we’ve done.

It’s disgusting that people blame Ariana for Mac’s OD. She was with him for two years and felt the weight of his addictions. No one needs to stay with an addict. That said, people on Jezebel were also blaming Asia Argento for Bourdain’s suicide. I could not believe it! All these people are well over 18 and have to be

At the end of the ‘Howards brother’ episode is one of my favorite bits ever. I must have been 8 or 9 but it has stayed with me for decades.

It only lasted a couple seasons and I only ever saw syndicated on deep UHF.  I read about it in the Great TV Sitcom Book back in 1980 and tried for a long time to find it. Obviously, it wasn’t terribly good. 

I recently ran through what Hulu has of The Bob Newhart Show, and a couple of things struck me that hadn’t before (from back during the Nick at Nite re-run days).

There’s a difference between minimizing or belittling someone’s suffering from abuse; it’s another entirely to ascribe some kind of moral superiority to them because of it.

I think the victims of bullying do hold a higher moral ground...

It's so not fetch.

I had a guy in a beginning statistics class whose study was the probability of kicking a pigeon. It was super thorough, with variables that included success rates kicking while feeding, success with different colors, etc.  He also had the cops called on him because he made contact many times, though statistically it

As a dork, I welcome the bronaissance. It’s clearer than ever that nerds hold no particular higher moral ground just because they were once bullied as a high school social class. Now the worst tenancies of America flow through nerds, your Marks Zuckerberg, @jacks Dorsey, Elons Musk, or Jeffs Bezos. They collaborate as

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Worse than flying rats, they’re flying rat criminals!

Many years ago a bought a fine designer coat. The coat was made of wool. The coat was black. I liked it. On the first cold day of the winter season that year I decided to wear my new coat to work. As I climbed out of the subway and walked down the street towards my office, I heard the telltale cawing of seagulls in

I always loved the fact that in Finding Nemo all the other creatures of the sea are complex characters, while the seagulls just mindlessly say “Mine!” over and over.  

Relatable. On a recent walk to school, my sweet, loving 6-year-old looked up at me with wonder in her eyes and said, innocently:

Better ask the Axe-tuaries.

Unfortunately it doesn’t indemnify them against Axe of god.

How’s their axe-ident insurance?