
I can get behind this ranking.

Aww fuck, don’t tell me that Starlord likes Trump???

Correct take. Thank you for your service.

what a brave new world, that has such chrises in it.


Pratt used to be the best Chris, until he started talking about how he feels bad for all the white straight males of the world and how much he loves his guns and the troops and Trump. He just got uglier and uglier to me. I want Andy Dwyer back.

...did you just censor your own use of the word “heck?”

I mean, it is canon:

Carrie often joked by calling Natalie her Mom.

I should have been more clear. I have no issue with trapping and moving the gator. I meant the behavior in the video above was pointless harassment.

“Also, the trapper gently tapped on his snout a few times.”

Even if it was a joke, I’m not sure why the victim has to attest to that. How would he know what the assaulter was thinking?

Wouldn’t be the first gator tazed due to an officer’s inability to handle the situation.

“ was intended to be taken as a joke and not as a sexual advance.”

*cop tazes gator*

Were you under the impression that people from the Middle East and North Africa were not racist against black people?

Anyone mildly annoyed by being paid in change does not deserve to have a business.

If your reaction to being paid in change morphs from mild annoyance escalating right into verbal and physical assault, you need to be removed from society for awhile.

Let me get this straight. A guy named “Islam” called a woman the n word in america?