
Diana and Clark being together is both gross, and incredibly lazy writing.

It makes infinitely more sense that Diana would be more impressed by his determination and attracted to Bruce because he’s 100% human, with no superpowers whatsoever, and more capable than everyone else at damn near everything.

Admit it though - If Batman was stuck with Dora the Explorer for 10 years; he would have trained her into a kickass combatant.


Miss. Them. So. Much. Every. Single. Day.

He did intentionally rip it off because it was a tear-away bodice. The whole black corset part was supposed to come off, but it malfunctioned somehow, and the cup came off, exposing her breast. It wasn’t really his fault or anyone’s fault; it was quite literally a wardrobe malfunction. Shit happens in live theatre,

CONSPIRACY THEORY: this denim atrocity was responsible for Britney’s... troubles.


Damn you, I just put the bottle down.

I think her take would be admitting that the whole thing was planned to be “Shocking” and promote the new album, but no one thought the backlash would be so gigantic that it would sink her career.

I always felt they worked better as a couple than Superman and Wonder Woman. Sort of the opposite side of the Lois/Clark coin.

I’m fine with it. They were super cute in the animated Justice League series.

I usually agree and appreciate the advice in this column. Good stuff.

i could have sworn there was an article on maybe the main channel maybe 2 years ago of a person who had to deal with a table of 10 to 15 people and was grateful that the whole table collected their plates and silverware when they left to put in one spot on the table... is there a threshold where it’s okay?

Yeah, Selena’s mom has also been out there talking about how she hates Justin Bieber (which same but stfu when its your kid) and how Selena makes her own decisions about that. Apparently the two aren’t talking right now and it seems like she is on a vendetta against her daughter, which is more sad than anything else.

As the daughter of a toxic mother, this makes me sad for Selena. All the fame and adoration in the world doesn’t make up for having a bitch mother who doesn’t like you. It’s also what makes me give Ariel Winter a lot of leeway.

People like Lauer are manipulative and calculating. He probably did everything to make sure he didn’t pull his sleaze in front of Katie, since she was his superior.

I’m not going to insist Couric is telling the truth, but I think it is relevant to note that, like you said, Couric was one of the few women who had seniority over Lauer. Additionally, when Lauer came on as her co-host, her husband was dying of cancer, and then she was raising two small kids in the aftermath of his

A lot of chain restaurants give you a shit ton of plates, though, and a itty bitty table for multiple people. One time I ordered an entree that arrived on three separate dishes and when I asked for a side of some kind of dressing, that came on yet ANOTHER plate. I genuinely thought stacking was helpful, so it’s good

I want nothing so much as to go to brunch with Ann Curry. A pitcher of Bloody Marys and a fuckton of gossip. Please and thank you.