
Whoa whoa whoa I need a ticket to this zoo right now.

He has treats in his fist so that’s why they were gnawing on his hands.

cute lil’ nippers!! 😍😍😍😍

Don’t care, played with lemurs.

I don’t really think my response warranted that long of an explanation (and worse off it in no way dealt with the idea I put forth), but to each their own.

My Jeeps are art. They increase property values. Proven fact.

They theoretically have their place. In practice, they are utter shit. For every potential buyer who likes the way all the brickwork and trim in the neighbourhood matches (+$5k to property value), there are ten potential buyers who are not willing to live under the tyranny of an HOA (-$15k to property value).

Tell the idiots that warming means more energy in the system. Energy that causes instability - not just hot temperatures. So the weather becomes increasingly unstable - global warming is not just things getting hot, its things spinning out of whack. More terrible and commonplace storms, more extremes of temperature -

Implausible. Vintage car without the ton of broken parts stored “for later use” is not credible.

The Joke=====

You 0.o

Ok. Now is the time. That terrible photo of you the one time you tried a banana hammock? Cardboard blowup just inside the open garage. Your questionable sex toy collection? Hung on a clothesline at the top of the door. Your Andy Warhol tribute art depicting HOA board members seductively devouring various meat

To Whom It May Concern:

“Oh hello, nothing out of the ordinary here fellow neighbor.“

HOA...Hopelessly Obtrusive and Asinine!

One of the many reasons I hate HOA’s.

Maybe it’s just a Star Wars location people forgot about it.

Look at what people allow when it comes to airport security.

So as a country we’ve decided banning/restricting guns in any way is out of the question, but now we’re just going to accept daily room searches like we’re all children at a particularly punitive boarding school? Guests are paying out the nose to stay at Disney resorts, and they’re still going to have to submit to

...........Legend has it that someone told Margaret the Queen was on the phone, and she said, “Which one? My sister, my mother, or my husband?”...............Cryin’ Tears!........................

I think this is a great choice. HBC is physically perfect for the role (tiny and curvy). And yes, she’s older than Olivia Colman, but she looks great and Margaret aged much faster than QEII, due to all the smoking and drinking.