
How could he not love her? I’ve only just seen her, and I already love her.

That’s the old badly-held dog. Here’s his “““““stray”””””:

That’s how you hold a cat...right before it twists around and takes your eyes.

Samesies. Weird how they seem to appear in packs right when I most need an image-rehabilitating softball article in US Weekly!

The humane treatment of a dog is to keep it on a leash but let it walk free.

I know I often randomly find stray purebred dogs worth hundreds of dollars just wandering around unattended at my luxury rehab center.

He “found” a “stray” purebred husky on the street?

Moved from St. Paul to Seattle. People here are wearing heavy wool coats and scarfs in 50 degree weather. It’s insanity. I’m still in my shorts sweating eating ice cream.

That’s literally what a prediction is lol

I believe it translates as “The Nina.”

“The Niña”

I tried to explain this to a friend from LA as part of my explanation for ice fishing. You don’t see the sun for a couple weeks because you’re inside during the day and you start getting cabin fever. By the time February rolls around you’ve drank too much and think “Should we walk out onto a frozen lake, drill a hole

Ugh, all these people yapping about “OMG I love fall! PSLs! Sweaters! Knit hats!” and I’m over here screaming NO! That shit lasts for maybe a month and then it’s Shit City! Winter in Chicago is abysmal. Once the temperature drops below 40 it won’t go above it for the next three months. Periodic snow that’s pretty for

So in the tried and true words of every winter forecast...

Now, don’t be disgusting.

with the number of personal accounts of people warning other people about Weinstien coming out, it seems to me like it’s not the fault of anyone not saying anything about him, it’s that nobody listened or took them seriously.

“Sad story but I’m going to be an asshole anyway.”

I just read all this thinking wtf is going on... At least this isn’t the norm around here.

The first one didn’t do much business at the box office and attained more of a cult following than the typical movie that receives a sequel.