I started on green, simply because I know that if given an inch I will take a mile. Tracking has been super helpful for me.
I started on green, simply because I know that if given an inch I will take a mile. Tracking has been super helpful for me.
I mean, I *am* Australian. 🙃
Good luck on your journey with it! I've so far lost 3kg and I'm very proud of myself. The muffins are based on rolled oats and are 3 points on green and blue!!
Oh my god I want all that in my mouth RIGHT NOW. I started on weight watchers a few weeks ago to try and get my weight and health under control, so I’m learning to meal prep like an actual adult. This is what I’ve made this week: cheese and bacon muffins, and Asian inspired chicken rissoles. The rissoles will be lunch…
Welcome to the dark side!!! I love r/momforaminute and r/twoxchromosomes. Don't let the name fool you, it is super inclusive and intersectional (in my findings anyway).
I’ve made them a couple of times and they are phenomenal. I added a good dash of fish sauce and some sambal as well, just to round the flavours out a little more. Also added chopped granny smith apple to the vegetable cooking step. Served with coconut jasmine rice!!
Happy New Year to you all! I worked NYE (daytime only) then spent NYD binging Chilling Adventures of Sabrina S4. My nevvy is living with me at the mo, I got him a school holidays job at my work, so shenanigans were kept on the low. Back to normal on Monday with work and gearing up for a (hopefully) huge Year! Lots of…
Happy New Year to you jinni!! I'm not one for resolutions either, but this year I'd like to get my health under control, go camping at least twice (haven't been since the pandemic ramped up to 11), go to the beach and watch the sun come up, and have a good solid road trip. Oh, and maybe be a bit kinder to myself and…
I’ve got chocolate banana bread in the oven as we speak, and it is sooooo good. https://bakeplaysmile.com/double-chocolate-banana-fudge-loaf/
Apples!! This was the recipe. It was so good!
They are apples! This was a breakfast ham.
Merry Christmas, y’all. It’s Sunday the 27th here, a balmy 27°C, and I’m finally home and able to relax a little. Christmas stresses me the fuck out, mostly because my introverted arse has to be “ON!!!!” for multiple days while family is gathered, and it just wipes me. Plus this year, add into the fact that my health…
Kind of, yes! We don't really 'do' clotted cream here in Australia either, just whipped pouring or thickened cream. I had a proper English style tea with raspberry jam and clotted cream once, when I was in London - so fancy and so fantastic!
Make pumpkin (squash) scones! The pumpkin adds a lovely soft sweetness and helps the fluffy factor. I think you Americans call them biscuits. Great with jam and cream!
How gorgeous! Suddenly Panama is on my travel to-do list...
Not quite as bad as I feared... the local anaesthetic stung like buggery going in, and then the lumbar itself was a bit like an electrical current - not zappy but warmer. It was weird!
Thankfully not covid!! Did have to have the swab obviously, and given my poor condition I damn near took out the nurse trying to administer it. But we've been really lucky where I live, no active cases in a couple of months. Still, better to be safe than sorry.
Howdy. Been a minute since I’ve been here, I’ve mostly been in mental hibernation - work work work, and my downtime consists of hiding under the weighted blanket and watching MASH for the eleventh million time. I've been a bit crook these last few days, was admitted to hospital overnight on Wednesday with a blinding…
Holy shit that is sensational! Some people are so dang clever.