
I have a love/hate relationship with Dan Murphy’s. So much variety, so many discounts, so many fuckhead customers to deal with whilst on the hunt for the best discount.

Part of me doesn’t want to refer to it as his Benghazi because at least in this case, it deserves to be investigated. But then again, if that name makes it stick out in the public eye, then fine. I just want something to come of this - the families deserve answers.

Meanwhile, you caused the deaths of four soldiers in Niger

I wouldn’t go out too far on that particular limb.

You sit there and talks about respect for the nation, the flag, the troops.

After I was raped I became incredibly promiscuous. Sex was just an act and meant nothing emotionally to me, and in fact I usually initiated it immediately so that it happened on my terms, since experience showed that nobody else cared about my choices.

She is NOT. You cannot legally consent to any sexual act while being held in custody, period.

Or if not “she asked for it” then “she’s worthless anyways so it doesn’t matter”.

It is 20-FUCKING-17 and we’re still going with the “she asked for it” defense?!

People who haven’t worked in restaurants have no idea how much sexual harassment is considered SOP in those places.

“I’m going to focus on my faaaaaaaamily”

“(...) the profound love I have for my wife, my boys and my Catholic faith.”

No. She is complicit. No matter if she is unhappy she has to be first lady, she is complicit.

I’m glad she said that. Now we can drag Melania’s racist elitist ass down the cobblestone steps of what should be called Hillary Clinton Way. A route First Ladies are supposed to be protected from.

West Bloomfield.......Of course they would pick one of the richest districts in the state. God forbid Melenia and DeVos have to mingle with the poor students.

Wait, she’s going to Orchard Lake Middle School in West Bloomfield? Of course she’s gonna start her anti-bullying campaign at the richest school in Michigan.

Don’t forget:

Tone deaf is exactly the description. “We won’t sign Kap. We won’t let players kneel without repercussions. But we’ll give you a guy who tries to appropriate black culture and who was a spineless, dickless, asshat when it came to Janet Jackson.” What the fuck is the NFL thinking?

So this asshole who:

Seriously given everything in the world right now, in particular in the NFL, how could anyone involved be so tone deaf as to invite him and continue to ban her?